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on the sacred disease

The art is long: on the sacred disease and the scientific tradition Stud Anc Med. 1990;23(2):87-119. On the Sacred Disease. The author explains these phenomena by an imbalance in the four humors rather than assigning them a divine origin. <>/Border[0 0 0]/Contents(�� \n L e t u s k n o w h o w a c c e s s t o t h i s d o c u m e n t b e n e f i t s y o u . 5.0 out of 5 stars 1 rating. Epilepsy is not one specific disease, but rather a group of symptoms that are manifestations of any of a number of conditions involving overstimulation of nerve cells of the brain. For questions on access or troubleshooting, please check our FAQs, and if you can't find the answer there, please contact us. Read 20 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. 0000006398 00000 n Price New from Used from Kindle "Please retry" — $0.99 — Kindle, February 9, 2015: $9.90 — — He dismissed the religious origin of illness, including epilepsy, in favor of natural causes accessible to rational thought and understanding. Apeiron. endobj techne, or science. Men regard its nature and cause as divine from ignorance and wonder, because it is not at all like to Other diseases. If you have purchased a print title that contains an access token, please see the token for information about how to register your code. *Illustrated *Includes Table of Contents Hippocrates (460-370 B.C.) 0000002077 00000 n It is thus with regard to The disease called Sacred: it appears to me to be nowise more divine nor more sacred than Other diseases, but has a natural cause from The originates like Other affections. Your current browser may not support copying via this button. Looking for The Sacred Disease? 0000003124 00000 n a chronic disorder of cerebral function characterized by periodic convulsive seizures. PRINTED FROM OXFORD MEDICINE ONLINE ( 2002;25:1-171. The "theology" of the Hippocratic treatise on the sacred disease. Men regard its nature and cause as divine from ignorance and wonder, because it is not at all like to Other diseases. With Bill Fletcher, Diana Muldaur, James Pritchett, Richard Roat. Julie Laskaris argues instead that the work “is best understood as a sophistic protreptic speech that was meant to demonstrate its author's superior understanding and treatment of that disease for the purpose of … endobj It is thus with regard to The disease called Sacred: it appears to me to be nowise more divine nor more sacred than Other diseases, but has a natural cause from The originates like Other affections. Copy this link, or click below to email it to a friend. Epilepsy is one of the most dreaded and terrifying human afflictions. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. 0000009050 00000 n © Oxford University Press, 2021. The author then defined the pathophysiology of epilepsy as depending on the humors: phlegm and bile. �0D1x@����(H��qH�20*�Ҋ��4ˌ�# +���N�f j0 R)? is one of the best known of the Ancient Greeks, and his Hippocratic Oath is still in use today. 101 0 obj <>stream Author Julie Laskaris. One of the names they gave to it was the sacred disease (ἠ ἱερὰ νόσος). Men regard its nature and cause as divine from ignorance and wonder, because it is not at all like to other diseases. In this work, Hippocrates explains to ancient doctors how to treat a certain disease through purification methods. The author of the Hippocratic treatise On the Sacred Disease is renowned for his criticism of magical and superstitious conceptions and modes of treatment of epilepsy. This focus on the spiritual aspect of the disease dominated the majority of treatments for epilepsy, leading up to the start of the 18 th and 19 th centuries. Public users are able to search the site and view the abstracts for each book and chapter without a subscription. 93 0 obj l i b r a r y . Apr 26th, 9:00 AM Apr 26th, 10:15 AM. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a title in Oxford Medicine Online for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy and Legal Notice). endobj 0000001559 00000 n The Greek author began with a polemic against those who believed that the gods were the cause of disease. On the Sacred Disease —that disease is caused by changes within the body—catalyzed the rise of rational, secular, and systematic medicine over magico-religious healing and the recognition of medicine as a true . <>/Border[0 0 0]/Contents(Young Historians Conference 2012)/Rect[370.1069 612.5547 540.0 625.4453]/StructParent 3/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> 0000017991 00000 n Access to the complete content on Oxford Medicine Online requires a subscription or purchase. More specifically, the sacred disease is an affliction of the brain, occurring when the brain is … endobj <>/Border[0 0 0]/Contents(PDXScholar)/Rect[72.0 650.625 156.25 669.375]/StructParent 1/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> And the disease called the Sacred arises from causes as the others, namely, those things which enter and quit the body, such as cold, the sun, and the winds, which are ever changing and are never at rest. endobj One of the many names it has received was Sacred Disease, during Greek times. )/Rect[72.0 191.3031 513.5361 212.3969]/StructParent 6/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> 94 0 obj 0000000716 00000 n endstream All rights reserved. This is an English translation of the Greek text that provides a detailed discussion of the Greek concepts of epilepsy and related conditions. The link was not copied. p d x . 97 0 obj The treatise is thought to contain one of the first recorded observations of epilepsy in humans. l i b r a r y . 1 Neurologic Concepts in the Homeric Epics, 2 Hippocrates and the Corpus Hippocraticum, 3 A Neurology Text Before There Was Neurology, 7 Hippocratic Medicine and Neurologic Conditions, 9 The Separation of the Nerves from Other Fibers, 10 The Hellenistic Pursuit of Neuroanatomy, 11 The Hippocratic Oath and a Modern Digression. 0000015942 00000 n [95 0 R 96 0 R 97 0 R 98 0 R 99 0 R 100 0 R 101 0 R 102 0 R] The Oath On Ancient Medicine On Airs, Waters, and Places The Book of Prognostics On Regimen in Acute Diseases Of the Epidemics On Injuries of the Head On the Surgery On Fractures On the Articulations Mochlicus or Instruments of Reduction Aphorisms The Law On Ulcers On Fistulae On Hemorrhoids On the Sacred Disease Hippocrates of Kos (/ h ɪ ˈ p ɒ k r ə t iː z /; Greek: Ἱπποκράτης ὁ Κῷος, translit. endobj 103 0 obj 96 0 obj <>stream endobj Copyright © endobj sies Any of various neurological disorders marked by sudden recurring attacks of motor, sensory, or … Readers must therefore always check the product information and clinical procedures with the most up to date published product information and data sheets provided by the manufacturers and the most recent codes of conduct and safety regulations. Created by Orvin Tovrov. There are many conditions that have epileptic seizures. 0000001054 00000 n Oxford University Press makes no representation, express or implied, that the drug dosages in this book are correct. van der Eijk PJ. 91 21 Kindling involves pulsed electrical stimulation to the brain while the animal is anesthetized. 0000001636 00000 n PRINTED FROM OXFORD MEDICINE ONLINE ( The Sacred Disease book. You could not be signed in, please check and try again. All Rights Reserved. 91 0 obj On the Sacred Disease Kindle Edition by Hippocrates (Author) Format: Kindle Edition. Heracles served as a source of the divine connotation that epilepsy received in ancient times, as he was one of the most important demigods in Greek myt … On the eve of their marriage, a young couple faces a vital decision. <>/Border[0 0 0]/Contents(History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Commons)/Rect[137.2383 212.4906 385.9004 224.2094]/StructParent 5/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> 0000003938 00000 n endobj A list of BBC episodes and clips related to "On the Sacred Disease". The Sacred Disease attempts to recreate the feeling of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy--a lesser known type of seizure disorder characterized by visceral, otherworldly changes in consciousness and perception. 111 0 obj After describing the symptoms of the sacred disease in children and adults, the writer argues that the sacred disease is a physical disease, the result of an imbalance of natural elements. ‎It is thus with regard to the disease called Sacred: it appears to me to be nowise more divine nor more sacred than other diseases, but has a natural cause from the originates like other affections. Emotionally difficult procedures like kindling are drained of images in an attempt to protect the people who have to do them. This edition of Hippocrates’ On the Sacred Disease is specially formatted with a Table of Contents and is illustrated with over a dozen pictures. Please subscribe or login to access full text content. 0000000016 00000 n This is an English translation of the Greek text that provides a detailed discussion of the Greek concepts of epilepsy and related conditions. Clinical Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics, Anesthesiology: A Problem-Based Learning Approach, The European Society of Cardiology Textbooks, International Perspectives in Philosophy and Psychiatry, Oxford Specialty Training: Basic Sciences, Oxford Specialty Training: Revision Texts, Oxford Specialty Training: Revision Notes, Neurological Concepts in Ancient Greek Medicine, 1 Neurologic Concepts in the Homeric Epics, 3 A Neurology Text Before There Was Neurology, 7 Hippocratic Medicine and Neurologic Conditions, 9 The Separation of the Nerves from Other Fibers, 10 The Hellenistic Pursuit of Neuroanatomy. 99 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 87 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> �C&,1P7Ec5��4IT�/�j�M4���Ӧ4� 2�����1jC�m�{L?�T*�K�`j�7n����瀋VAap��r�N��gKCqy$,�o�5�P8'"G�H0Uq�A`���$��vO�. endobj The text illustrates the excellent clinical observation that the Greek physicians used to describe the signs and symptoms of illness and to direct treatment and prognosis. He dismissed the religious origin of illness, including epilepsy, in favor of natural causes accessible to rational thought and understanding. The Greek author began with a polemic against those who believed that the gods were the cause of disease. epilepsy [ep´ĭ-lep″se] paroxysmal transient disturbances of nervous system function resulting from abnormal electrical activity of the brain. For these reasons, On the Sacred Disease… 0000002750 00000 n trailer Introduction. 0000016492 00000 n 102 0 obj The authors and the publishers do not accept responsibility or legal liability for any errors in the text or for the misuse or misapplication of material in this work. <> This Hippocratic canon includes theoretical works (eg, On Ancient Medicine and The Sacred Disease), clinical texts (eg, Aphorisms, Epidemics, and On Wounds in the Head), and ethical works (eg, The Oath). The art is long: on the sacred disease and the scientific tradition. 92 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/Contents()/Rect[72.0 612.5547 214.4629 625.4453]/StructParent 2/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj It is thus with regard to the disease called Sacred: it appears to me to be nowise more divine nor more sacred than other diseases, but has a natural cause from the originates like other affections. On the Sacred Disease book. h�b```�z�� cb��� �`�L�p�,���y@�/�9֧\��Q��ڕ9k���֪k�M������%O�.mʹ����2gm Hu#�V0��� d`6`0��10�(���(a���X�������W+��4D���¬���BC���Y�)�MnY�|� startxref e d u / y o u n g h i s t o r i a n s)/Rect[230.8867 233.3227 454.0557 245.0414]/StructParent 4/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> Men regard its nature and cause as divine from ignorance and wonder, because it is not at all like to other diseases. <>/Border[0 0 0]/Contents([118.96 72.3516 202.9526 82.8984]/StructParent 8/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> The treatise is a prime example of the Hippocratic contribution to the rationalization of medical thought. xref p d x . 0000003461 00000 n *Illustrated*Includes Table of ContentsHippocrates (460-370 B.C.) %PDF-1.7 %���� Find out information about The Sacred Disease. On the Sacred Disease: The Historical Significance of Hippocratic Humanism, Rationality and Scientific Procedure. %%EOF They thought of epilepsy as a form of spiritual possession, but also associated the condition with genius and the divine. 0000015759 00000 n 98 0 obj endobj endobj PMID: 11616596 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 1. 2021. Hippocrates of Kos was the first author to argue against the divine origin of the sacred disease on his “Corpus Hippocraticum” 12: “Le cervau est l’origine de l’épilepsie comme de toutes les autres très-grandes maladies…” (“The brain is the origin of epilepsy, as any of the other great diseases.”) 13 Now the disease is only half-sacred because we’ve learned how to light the fire. Remarkably, although Kristin's knowledge and expertise continue to develop as a pediatrician and mother, her experiences as a vulnerable patient provide the most valuable lessons of all. 0 0000001830 00000 n x��Xَ7|�W���n��`��H�y0|� |da?��SMΌ��H�v8@��J+q�}TW�f}�����/>u}s���Uw�����?��v��v�UЬ;yqI^(����*����y�;��>�O�F��{�z}Z���Y\��]��$�uz�zs\�n�S��&������@ �yܻ|�r�m8EZ��\}gydž��h���M�����|6���:K�š�)��K�!�&��&�'o��>��fmP�X67Q[�8k8���Sk��5d�&��%KU(����TK5 7���p�OI��b��A桉�i����ʎ6�֫��j��i�1X�FZ�j�ю�F�6��+\� ��3��L@��OU~�iBz��^�w�ډ>�2}�T�YOdH����06k��~����E�����գ��s��i‚�ގn�?N�����)w PMID: 13678056 No abstract available. A memoir of discovery, acceptance, and hope, The Sacred Disease chronicles Kristin’s tenacious fight for a seizure-free life. The ancient Greeks had contradictory views of the disease. Except where otherwise stated, drug dosages and recommendations are for the non-pregnant adult who is not breastfeeding. On the Sacred Disease is a work of the Hippocratic Corpus, written in 400 BCE.The authorship of this piece can not be confirmed and is therefore regarded as dubious. It is thus with regard to the disease called Sacred: it appears to me to be nowise more divine nor more sacred than other diseases, but has a natural cause from the originates like other affections. 95 0 obj 100 0 obj 0000006009 00000 n Explanation of The Sacred Disease <>/Border[0 0 0]/Contents(�� \n h t t p s : / / p d x s c h o l a r . <>/Metadata 89 0 R/Outlines 47 0 R/Pages 86 0 R/StructTreeRoot 53 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> 0000001233 00000 n <]/Prev 82173>> 0000002318 00000 n I have questioned the reality of the 'naturalistic theology' which has fre- Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. <>/Border[0 0 0]/Contents(�� \n h t t p s : / / p d x s c h o l a r . Men regard its nature and cause as divine from ignorance and wonder, because it … 0000004135 00000 n Addiction: The Sacred Disease 02/11/2014 03:14 pm ET Updated Dec 06, 2017 Another shining star has fallen from the entertainment firmament and the world is left a little less bright, a little less beautiful, a little less magnificent. From The Norwood Club—Observations: A Digital Life, Justin Bower, Theories on the Sacred Disease (2016), Oil on canvas, 72 × 60 × 2 1/4 in e d u / y o u n g h i s t o r i a n s / 2 0 1 2 / o r a l p r e s / 1)/Rect[72.0 131.7406 371.7217 143.4594]/StructParent 7/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> On the sacred disease has traditionally been seen as an example of rational, secular medical thought, diametrically opposed to magico-religious practices and superstition. 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