the man of the crowd essay
Students who find writing to be a difficult task. This isolation is also seen in the pedestrians, who “[talk] and [gesticulate] to themselves, as if feeling in solitude on account of the very denseness of the company around” (216). All work is written to order. The narrator in “Man of the Crowd” is surrounded by a city full of people, unable to be alone, though is truly isolated from them. The different characteristics of these characters create a dynamic story where marriage and … He states that this place “[wears] the worst impress of the most deplorable poverty, and of the most desperate crime” (220). In this case, the only thing the reader can do is to try and interpret (understand) its contents by using his knowledge and analytical skills. The narrator creates his own “misunderstanding” of reality by molding his observations in order to justify his own prefabricated theories. As the “rain fell fast” (p. 1565), the narrator blindly follows the stranger only hoping that he will remain undetected. From the descriptions of these people it is evident that the city is a cold, uncaring, and unforgiving place: the sick were “in search of some chance consolation” and the young girls had to return to “careless homes” (217). If the narrator himself is indistinguishable, how is he able to individualize and ascribe specific attributes to someone else? The man whom the narrator follows exists in the context of the narrator’s own delusion. Immediately he ties a handkerchief around his mouth, as if subconsciously trying to prevent or obstruct himself from communicating. This can only be described as attempts to secure the reader’s trust by proving an intelligence that has just recently been liberated and “electrified, surpass[ing] as greatly its every-day condition as does the vivid, yet candid reason of Combe [and] the mad and flimsy rhetoric of Gorgias” (p.1561). If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! The very first lines of Poe’s “The Man of the Crowd” imply that this is a secretive story by nature, for Poe suggests that this particular narrative may not “permit itself to be read” (p.1561). We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. Putting him behind the glass isolates him from those whom he is so meticulously observing. By continuing we’ll assume you board with our cookie policy. 2018 Apr 18 [cited 2021 May 14]. This essay has been submitted by a student. “The man of the crowd” which was written by Edgar Allan Poe in 1840, is a tale that awakens the curiosity of the reader and implants vivid images of the walking people alongside the coffee shop where the narrator is sitting. “Such a great misfortune, not to be able to be alone,” declares the opening line of Edgar Allan Poe’s “Man of the Crowd.” Surrounded by a city full of people, the narrator is indeed not alone in that sense. “A crowd is a temporary collection of people reacting together to stimuli”—Horton and […] Free resources to assist you with your university studies! He is so intrigued by this man that he leaves the coffee shop where he has been meticulously scouring the people of the crowd. The narrator treats each person within each of his classifications as the same as the whole: though he calls them “individuals,” he immediately places them into a larger group. He stays in the crowds willingly, having first sought out the busiest street in London to drink his coffee, and then keeping abound in the “tumultuous sea of human heads” (p. 1562). The lack of concern for others in the city highlights Poe’s notions that the urban environment creates isolation amongst its inhabitants. Only the A-papers by top-of-the-class students. "The Man of the Crowd" Analytical Essay by Calwriter "The Man of the Crowd" A discussion of the themes of loneliness and isolation in Edgar Allan Poe's work, "The Man of the Crowd". Surrounded by a city full of people, the narrator is indeed not alone in that sense. in some way from another, they are all treated as exactly the same within each group. Walking along an asphalt road, I was on the final leg of a two weeks’ walking tour of Wisconsin. Crowds Essay Sample. Among the beggars, he finds that “despair alone” (p.1563) has driven them to the streets, “feeble and ghastly invalids, upon whom death had placed a sure hand, and who sidles and tottered through the mob looking every one beseechingly in the face, as if in search of some chance consolation, some lost hope” (p. 1563). The narrator here seems to just ignore someone that does not fit into he predetermined classifications. He has to do exactly as the old man does in order to stay close and observe him. While these traits should make each person different at least. VAT Registration No: 842417633. As the evening progresses into night, the narrator describes a carriage “which may be termed as deskism for want of a better word” (p. 1562), but the true irony lies in the fact that almost any other word would have conveyed a definitive meaning to the reader, for the word “deskism” is in fact not a word at all. Are you interested in getting a customized paper? The very first lines of Poes The Man with the Crowd signify this is a secretive account by nature, pertaining to Poe shows that this particular story may not allow itself being read (p. 1561). Walter Benjamin writes that "[The Man of the Crowd] is something like an X-ray of a detective story. Crowd behaviour virtually stems from the crowd situations. Thus, he fabricates a nature that is able to alleviate the pressure of a conscience so “heavy in horror that it can be thrown down only into the grave” (p. 1561), and by doing so, is able to avoid dependence on his real secrets by deluding himself further with what he convinces himself to be the “truth.” Thus, in his narrative the narrator is able to reveal his fictitious nature of “genius” and survive, as oppose to being oppressed by the secrets that are not his to reveal, and literally die. Gabriel, Boldwood, and Troy each try to win her hand in marriage. To reinforce the depressing outlook, Poe has the narrator enumerate the features of the “verge of the city” in more detail than any other part of London (220). He takes the audience thought all themes in the story. “Alone,” though, may be viewed in another light: to be unique, to stand … This time, his delusions help him escape the despair that cause men to die “nightly in their beds” (p. 1561), for in claiming genius, he has transgressed whatever the internal mysteries within him may be, no matter that his secrets continue to conceal themselves. You can get 100% plagiarism FREE essay in 30sec, Sorry, we cannot unicalize this essay. ''The Man of the Crowd'' is an 1840 short story by nineteenth century American poet and author Edgar Allan Poe. Analyzing the Analyzer Analyzing the Analyzer … Is it always associated with a ‘loss of self ‘ It’s claimed feelings of anonymity from the security of being in the crowd encourages individuals to behave outside of their normal constraints , producing unpredictable and violent outcomes . He was ill for a month. Get your free examples of research papers and essays on Crowd here. Home — Essay Samples — Literature — Edgar Allan Poe — The Man of the Crowd. His rhetoric matches that of Gorgias, for in attempting to reassure the reader that he is a reliable source of information, the text is bogged down with quotes from three different languages in the very first two paragraphs, and seems overly verbose without a clear purpose. In this understanding, or lack thereof, does the narrator grow “wearied unto death” (p. 1567), for the narrator is at the mercy of his recount of the truth, but not necessarily the absolute truth. Though the narrator does not in reality have any direct communication with the people in this story, he observes and reports on each of them, and these observations substitute for his lacking personal relationships. One would think that after being sick and inside for months on end, the narrator would want some kind of personal, human relation, yet he is perfectly content to sit alone indoors and ponder the pedestrians from afar. The Man of the Crowd is another short story written by Edgar Allan Poe. The poverty and crime reveals that people do not care about each other, in that no one helps the poorest of the poor and the criminals have no regard for their fellow city dwellers. The story is about a narrator who follows a man through a crowded city of London. “Such a great misfortune, not to be able to be alone,” declares the opening line of Edgar Allan Poe’s “Man of the Crowd.”. This eventual disregard for the peculiarity of the old man again shows that there is no true individuality in the city. He calmly makes uneasy judgments from trivial visual stereotypes which force the reader to reconsider his standing as a trustworthy narrator. As the narrator remarks, it is a good thing that not all deeds of humans can be known (Poe 91). The darkness displayed in these works allude to the ongoing theme of the ambiguity of sin. The Man of the Crowd | Literary Analysis. The story itself takes on a responsibility independent of that of the author, for it is the story itself that must compel a reader to find reason in its foundation. In Thomas Hardy’s novel, titled Far From The Madding Crowd, the protagonist, Bathsheba, is surrounded by three different suitors. Essay Instructions: Given the prevalence of the theme of alienation in modern literature, it?s not surprising that it functions as a prominent theme in virtually everything we?ve read thus far: Wordsworth?s poetry, Poe?s ?The Man of the Crowd,?Gogol?s ?The Overcoat,? Repression of Sexuality in “The Cask of Amontillado” Essay, Edgar Allan Poe’s “Tales of Terror” as Tragic Drama Essay, The Black Cat: How the Mystery Effect is Achieved Essay, Overwhelming Obsession in "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Black Cat" Essay, A Psychoanalysis of Edgar Allan Poe’s “Ligeia” and “The Fall of the House of Usher” Essay. The very first lines of Poe’s “The Man of the Crowd” imply that this is a secretive story by nature, for Poe suggests that this particular narrative may not “permit itself to be read” (p.1561). The storyplot itself assumes on a responsibility independent of these of the publisher, for it is a story itself that must force a visitor to find explanation in its foundation. Note: while your discussion will focus […] We will occasionally send you account related emails. The pursuit lasts through the night and into the next day. Published: 12th Jun 2017 in The narrator states that he at first looks at the people “in their aggregate relations” but then moves into observing the details of which there were “innumerable varieties” (216). Each person is defined as being part of a group within the crowd and as a part of the crowd generally. this essay is not unique. It is his observations of the city of London itself, of the crowd, and of the old man that reveal Poe’s distaste for the isolation and loss of individuality that city life fosters. The Man of the Crowd Essay...The Man of the Crowd The short story about the man of the crowd is quite enjoyable. After admitting to being in a “peculiar mental state,” (p. 1564) almost immediately does the narrator finds a man whose “absolute idiosyncrasy of… expression” (p.1564) prevails in the complete absorption of the narrator’s “whole attention” (p. 1564). Attention! For example, a story that takes place in a wild and natural setting might include characters struggling against nature to survive. So, in essence there are no individuals. The worst heart of the world is a grosser book than the ‘Hortulus Animae,’ and perhaps it is but one of the great mercies of God that “er lasst sich nicht lesen.” (Poe 1840) Baudelaire upraise this concept of the man of the crowd in his essay The Painter of Modern Life when he … Through the observations made by this narrator, it is evident that the same isolation applies to every other member of society in London; no one knows anyone else and, in that sense, everyone is isolated. This story is much like the “secrets which do not permit themselves to be told” (p.1561), for like the bearers of these secrets— the men who die “nightly… on account of the hideousness of mysteries which will not suffer themselves to be revealed” (p.1561) — the author, Poe, does not have the capacity to liberate that which does not want to be liberated. It’s started in evening autumn, when the unnamed main character is sitting down in D- café house London. The narrator runs from the start of the story to the end. However, at the ends of the stories, the reader learns that despite the characters’ best efforts, the introductory quote of The Man of the Crowd summarizes it all; it is not possible to be alone, to stand out, or to be the “man of the crowd”; rather, it is only possible to maintain one’s sanity if one accepts the inevitability of being just another face in the crowd. The narrator ends this story by saying that “perhaps it is but one of the great mercies of God that ‘er lasst sich nicht lessen'” (p. 1567), for like the book that does not permit itself to be read, the narrator’s actions cannot be explained. When a person comes along, the “man of the crowd,” that cannot be classified, the narrator is “startled” (218): he doesn’t know how to think about this man since he cannot put him in a well-defined category. Pssst… we can write an original essay just for you. A person starts to lose his identity when he starts behaving like other people. The man of the Crowd written by Edgar Allan Poe narrates the story of a nameless and lonely man who roams across densely crowded London. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. ‘The Man of the Crowd’ is one of the shorter short stories written by Edgar Allan Poe (who pioneered the short story form when it was still an emerging force in nineteenth-century magazines and periodicals). It is exactly this reason that comes into question, for while upon first glimpse this metaphor may hold the narrator’s own healing intellect up to some impressive standard, in actuality, the very wording of the sentence causes the narrator’s rationale to come into question. It is commonly believed amongst literary critics that the narrator of Poe’s The Man of the Crowd is not sane. The Man of The Crowd Literary Analysis The Man of The Crowd Literary Analysis Writing Prompt 3: Consider the role of setting, or context, in one of the works. That day he watches people passing by. It’s started in evening autumn, when the unnamed main character is sitting down in D- … Creative response to Poe’s Man of the Crowd Order Description Assignment description: “For this response paper, you will be writing a creative response to Poe’s Man of the Crowd. The very first lines of Poe’s “The Man of the Crowd” imply that this is a secretive story by nature, for Poe suggests that this particular narrative may not “permit itself to be read” (p.1561). Through careful analysis of the narrator’s somewhat clinical observations, the reader is able to decipher his actions, for like the followed man, he is wracked with despair and has a “mad energy” (p. 1567) that cause him to retrace another’s steps instead of directing himself. He is “the man of the crowd” – he feels comfortable when surrounded by others, and he does not feel the need for individuality or originality (Poe 91). Analytical Essay on “Man of the Crowd” by Edgar Allan Poe. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. I felt singularly aroused, startled, fascinated” (p. 1564). 2021 © The narrator eventually abandons his pursuit, saying that this man “does not permit [himself] to be read” (215). He points out that he can learn nothing else about him. Introduction to Essay on What Is the Theme of the Man of the Crowd? In the short story “Man of the Crowd”, Edgar Allan Poe utilizes the first point of view to not only reveal the main character, but also give personal ties between the reader and narrator. There is nothing distinctive about the old man that would spur on such a reaction from the narrator, for the only evidence that would spawn such a violent impression the stranger’s diamond or dagger is only noticed after the narrator’s initial tirade. The Man of the Crowd The Man of the Crowd, a short story by Edgar Allan Poe begins with the words about the book that does not permit itself to be read. The mysterious nature of folklore, the notions of duality and duality and the observation of the city through the flaneurs constitute a mysterious horror story. His willingness to be alone further contributes to the sense that people are truly isolated in the city. From the reader’s perspective it is easy to explain why the man changes his path and the pace at which he walks, for his behavior is justifiable if he senses that he is in fact being followed— Almost a surety as the man being followed nearly turns into his stalker many a time and is forever trying to lose him in crowded places. “Such a great misfortune, not to be able to be alone,” declares the opening line of Edgar Allan Poe’s “Man of the Crowd.” Surrounded by a city full of people, the narrator is indeed not alone in that sense. Like the rainy weather, the cold and unemotional descriptions of people in the crowds are no longer described as “evincing no symptom” (p.1562) or having “flushed faces” (p. 1562), for it is the narrator himself that comes into scrutiny. Only the armature remains: the pursuer, the crowd, and an unknown man who manages to walk through London in such a way that he always remains in the middle of the crowd". To give a further impression of the impoverishment and apathetic nature of the city, he describes the beggars, poor girls returning from their demanding work, and sick people wandering about the streets. It is this loss of individuality that gives meaning to the vagueness title “The Man in the Crowd.”. Before finding the man whom he follows, the narrator falls victim to his own hallucinatory perspective. Herein lies a contradiction: he points out there are “innumerable varieties,” yet he does exactly the opposite by enumerating the types of people that he sees and placing each person into a specific category. The narrator is not able to deliberately release the unexplained complexities within himself that have kept him “ill at health” (p. 1561), but being a convalescent, he is now able to project the “film of [his] mental vision departed” (p.1561) upon this text to illuminate himself in the context of the man whom he follows in more ways than one— The unnamed man of the crowd. English Literature. The rainy imagery and stagnation in the plot culminate in the reflected chaos of the narrator’s psychosis in following a stranger. Although Poe is credited with having invented detective fiction in stories such as Murders and The Purloined Letter, his most “noirish” story is The Man of the Crowd. Want us to write one just for you? After a full day has passed of following this stranger, the narrator is revived to his senses and can only come to the understanding that he is at a “loss to comprehend the waywardness of [the followed man’s] actions” (p.1566). All rights reserved Gradesfixer ™, The Man of the Crowd [Internet]. Copyright © 2003 - 2021 - UKEssays is a trading name of All Answers Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales. Thematically, the story deals with the questions of solitude, meaninglessness, and above all the sense of uncertainty. If you’d like this or any other sample, we’ll happily email it to you. uses cookies. A Summary and Analysis of Edgar Allan Poe’s ‘The Man of the Crowd’. The city is mostly only described at night, and we see almost nothing of the daylight hours. Info: 1300 words (5 pages) Essay Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of View Essay - The Man of The Crowd Literary Analysis Final Draft.docx from ENG 125 at Ashford University. After the “mist that was upon [the narrator’s intellect]” has been lifted, Poe takes special precautions in drawing a comparison between the narrator’s own source of rationale and that of Gorgias, who as the fifth footnote indicates is “known for a kind of rhetoric that preened itself at the expense of reason” (p. 1561). From the very beginning of this story, the reader is bombarded with evidence of the narrator’s education, whether it is from the various quotes in different languages that are cited or the impressive vocabulary that is often used. We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling. Explain the place of anonymity in theories of crowd behaviour . In the story, characters are unnamed and the setting is in London at the D cafe. By clicking “Send”, you agree to our Terms of service and Privacy statement. By providing this sole nighttime portrait of the city through the narrator, Poe automatically creates a depressing outlook on city life that pervades the story and provides the backdrop for the entire commentary. Also, the way in which he describes the passages that the old man takes causes him to become intertwined with the old man’s identity: the narrator says that “he hurried into the street […] until we emerged” (220). Study for free with our range of university lectures! He is unable to control both the rain and the effects it has upon his emotions, but what is perhaps more fearful is the fact that he seemingly has anticipated such changes in himself without the conscious acknowledgment of such. Learn from the best! Essay on Crowd Behaviour – Crowd behaviour, represents a form of collective behaviour. Poe here is trying to say that while you may think that you are a distinct person in the city, you have already lost your individuality by being part of the “crowd.” The narrator tells himself that everyone is different, but in pointing out their differences, he makes sweeping generalizations, thus making many people the same as one another. It is now possible for the reader to notice that just as he reflects himself in the stranger whom he follows, just so does he do the same, but to a lesser degree, with the other observed characters. Term Paper on Man of the Crowd by Assignment The old man, whom the narrator pursued in the story, is a symbol of so many things: first, he can be the other aspect of personality of the narrator, a personality that he himself needs to understand, pursued, seek and discover. While describing the crowd, the narrator is seated behind a window, separated from the people. “Alone,” though, may be viewed in another light: to be unique, to stand alone against the chaos and homogeneity of the crowd. Through the observations made by this narrator, it is evident that the same isolation applies to every other member of society in London; no one knows anyone else and, in that sense, everyone is isolated. In Edgar Allen Poe’s, “The Man of the Crowd” and “Ligeia”, and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s, “Young Goodman Brown,” there is a constant presence of darkness throughout each text. Consequently, the reliability of the narrator comes into question, for the line separating the seemingly sane narrator, and the suspiciously insane man being followed, becomes vague when both are literally elbow to elbow, retracing each other’s own recycled steps again and again. Poe uses story themes to evoke feelings of excitement and fear. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. In the story, characters are unnamed and the setting is in London at the D cafe. The classification of the people in the crowd makes them lose their individuality by generalizing and putting each person into a pre-labeled group. He notes that “any thing even remotely resembling that expression [,] I had never seen before” (p. 1564), but paradoxically goes on to analyze in great detail the qualities that only a man with such an expression could have. Registered office: Venture House, Cross Street, Arnold, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 7PJ. The secrets that lurk under the surface of our narrator do not wish to reveal themselves, for it is at this very point that the clinical observations stop and the plot is cyclical in structure. It has been brightened for clarity. (p. 1564). Here the narrator explains that because there are so many people around and since no one knows each other, these people feel like they are alone. Though, these people are not alone in that none of them are distinguishable from a larger group. Registered Data Controller No: Z1821391. Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. Furthermore, when the narrator classifies and describes the “crowd,” he does so in a very scientific manner, looking at each of them through their “figure, dress, air, gait, visage, and expression of countenance” (216). He does “not much regard the rain…[however] the lurking of an old fever in [his] system rend[s] the moisture somewhat too dangerously pleasant” (p. 1565). Get an expert to write you the one you need! Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? Looking for a flexible role? pedestrians so as not to be seen and, in doing so, loses his individuality and becomes just another undistinguishable face amid a sea of others, suggesting that his quest to classify this man is futile. 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