baby care articles

Your Baby Consultant offers Newborn Care 101 class to expecting parents virtually over Zoom or privately in home. You can use a gentle soap that is mild enough, without the fear of causing an allergy or a negative reaction. These rooms need to be purpose considered by the building designer so that they are in an accessible location and are functional (Penrith Council, 2005). You don’t have to wash your baby’s hair every day; twice or thrice a week should suffice. It's also important to trim or file your baby’s nails 1-2 times weekly, since they grow quickly. The inter-connected 'smart nappy' that will tell you when your baby needs a change, Huggies US puts dads on nappy boxes for first time, New sensors monitor sick babies without wires blocking hugs, Parental guidance: 'artificial intelligence' used to rate babysitters based on their social media history. Filled with antioxidants and protein, colostrum is extremely beneficial for your baby. New Born Baby Care Tips. Taking care of a tiny human that looks so fragile and beautiful is a big responsibility. This stump usually falls off anywhere between a week to a month. These simple baby care tips will help you be a fab mom right out of the gate. Breastfeeding your child is a necessary, but challenging milestone; it can sometimes leave you frustrated, sore, and even angry. The information on this website is of a general nature and available for educational purposes only and should not be construed as a substitute for advice from a medical professional or health care provider. BOTTLE-FEEDING. The weight of your child is an indicator of how your baby is doing, so it is imperative that you keep a tab on it. Use a soft cloth and some warm water and wipe your baby clean. Every blog is written keeping certain age group in mind. Moreover, here are plenty of articles to help you with different aspects about baby care. In a recent survey of Parents readers who use child care, 84 percent said that finding affordable, quality care is either a challenge, very hard, or impossible. A newborn baby’s breathing is usually irregular. APGAR Test. The doctor will examine the child, to see if your baby is healthy. Raising Babies without Diapers know more. Vitamin K helps in clotting of blood, so should there be any bleeding, Vitamin K can help clot this and prevent bleeding. So, excessive bathing can dry the baby’s skin. Baby Care: Baby (Birth – 2 years) – Infant Development & Parenting Tips. Make sure the water is lukewarm, warm enough to soothe your baby, but cool enough not to burn. This isn’t a cause for concern as long as the baby’s breathing steadies up and becomes normal. Timeline of Childhood Milestones know more. All of this is tested, and the child is given a score accordingly. Knowing how to keep a new baby warm during the colder months can be tricky. Pigeon. While this is not a cause for alarm, do monitor the baby; if you think the breathing is too noisy, consult a doctor. Circumcision and Umbilical Cord Care. Although baby teeth - also known as primary teeth - can arrive in any order, many children follow a loose pattern. On this page. These cover many areas such as foods to improve immunity or what oil to use for baby’s massage. Lift the baby out of the tub, continuing to use one hand to support her neck and head. Baby Care Articles. Dutch doctors Frans Plooj & Dr Hetty van de Rijt came up with the term ‘wonder weeks’ to describe the developmental leaps babies experience in their first 20 months of life. Baby Care. Wipe your child dry immediately after a bath, and make sure the baby is kept warm after this as well. Videos and Tutorials; Research. Lauren M. Johnson, CNN • Updated 4th May 2021. It is extremely easy for a baby to drown in a bathtub – less than sixty seconds is all it takes. DEPRESSION. If you do not see meconium pass in 24 hours, it may be because of intestinal obstruction, and you must consult a doctor immediately. accepts no liability for any errors, omissions or misrepresentations. Welcome to parenthood — it's quite a ride! Your baby, in the womb, didn’t have to worry about breathing. Adequate weight gain is important for a baby’s physical and mental development. Have questions about baby sleep habits, baby care and feeding, health, development, and safety? By Nick Mutt | Submitted On September 02, 2008. Having a baby is one of the most wonderful experiences for the parents. 15. Immediate care of a newborn following delivery is a must. The APGAR test is the first test that the doctor will perform on your child to make sure that your baby is normal. Continue Breastfeeding: Breast milk is still the healthiest food for a three-month-old baby. You also acknowledge that owing to the limited nature of communication possible on interactive elements on the site, any assistance, or response you receive is provided by the author alone. A start-up that requires prospective babysitters to hand over their social media accounts says it uses “advanced artificial intelligence” to assess candidates. 19 Baby Care Tips for Every New Mum. Baby Care - 5 Things You Should Know About Your Baby By Jessica S. Johnson | Submitted On June 30, 2010 1. To care for a baby, start by creating a set feeding schedule for your little one. (CNN) — There were a lot of surprises on a flight to Hawaii last week, starting with the birth of a baby to … Here are some of the most immediate requirements that you need to take care of as soon as your baby is born. However, you can wash your baby’s face, hands and the genital area thoroughly with warm water, especially after a change of diapers. Your baby is placed naked, against your naked skin, and a blanket is wrapped around both you and your child. Your hormones are having a ride of their own, and your emotions are all over the place. Keeping your baby warm helps in regulating the body temperature. Swaddling your baby is more important than you think. The Hepatitis B vaccination is extremely important, as the disease is fatal. A lot of people bathe their babies on a daily basis, which is alright, but three days a week is more than enough as well. Also called: Baby care. Aromatherapy can be used in a number of ways for your baby. Make sure you have good back support and position yourself comfortably. When this force of air hits your baby’s vocal cords, they close suddenly, which is what … Get information related to baby care including breastfeeding, feeding and sleeping, vaccination schedule, baby food, safety tips and much more at FirstCry Parenting. With thousands of award-winning articles and community groups, you can track your pregnancy and baby's growth, get answers to your toughest questions, and connect with moms, dads, and expectant parents just like you. © 2010-2020 Once this has dried, it usually falls off. Motherhood is beautiful, but there is no denying the fact that it is tiresome, frustrating, and sometimes scary. As far as care for the umbilical cord is concerned, make sure you keep the area dry and clean at all times. Swaddling the baby and ensuring the house is calm are ways of helping your little one sleep well. Our chart shows which teeth you might expect to see next, and at what age. Don’t try to pull out or remove the stump off; it must fall off on its own. However you decide to prepare or not for baby, having some useful tools for soothing a crying baby is priceless. The baby is dependent on the umbilical cord for the supply of oxygen. Wipe your baby clean with a washcloth. Your baby's tiny fingernails are very thin and sharp and grow surprisingly fast! This is your cue to start giving your newborn baby a nice warm bath in a tub. Their nursing … A new mum's husband hid baby formula from his wife, leaving her no choice but the breastfeed her biting baby. This sudden shift is bound to be difficult for a newborn baby, so the first few breaths of your infant are usually hard, laboured, shallow and irregular. APGAR stands for appearance, pulse, grimace, activity and respiration. The first 24 hours of a newborn baby are the most overwhelming. Parenting can be intimidating, especially with the different responsibilities it entails. Circulatory modification and respiratory gas exchange take place rapidly during the process of labour and birth so that the baby can breathe outside the womb, and the heart functions normally. Azafran on an expansion drive, forays into baby care segment That is why the team decided to create an online store where parents can buy different baby care items and mother essentials in a very easy way. Here's a simple guide to help you decipher the contents of your baby’s nappies in the first 12 months. However, you will see an increase in the weight of your child after a week or so. The reason it is recommended that you wait for a week or so before bathing your baby is for the umbilical cord to dry. Advice and resources on caring for your newborn from Essential Find an Expert; For You. Be careful -- babies are … A newborn baby is bound to lose weight during the first week post-birth, as a lot of body fluid is lost during this time. Most newborns weigh between 2 kgs to 4 kgs. This helps parents in finding the content that is more suitable for their needs. Can we please stop criticising mums for the way they're carrying their babies? While the baby is in the mother’s womb, the respiratory, as well as the circulatory systems, operate in a way which is very different from the way they will function after birth. Every vaccination is important for your child, so mark the dates and make sure you get your child vaccinated. But watching the baby grow comes with its own set of highs and lows. Use a soft emery board, baby nail clippers or baby nail scissors for trimming. Vitamin K is administered to the newborn to prevent any bleeding. Nevertheless, being a parent is a great privilege and brings immense joy! BREASTFEEDING. Make sure you keep an eye on your baby at all times, as your baby can slip in the bathtub. Co-sleeping- The Pros and Cons of Sleeping With Your Baby know more. Instead, bring the baby to your breasts, so that he or she knows how to attach. Related tags: Baby care, Baby care products, Mintel, Premium skin care, clean beauty, safety, COVID-19 UK parents are increasingly interested in clean beauty and concerned about ingredient safety in baby and toddler skin care products, creating opportunities to premiumize the category despite the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, says Mintel. Baby care is not rocket science and if you take one day at a time, it won't seem so daunting. Most mothers bring the breast to their baby – don’t do that. Find the right diaper for every stage of your baby's development at Articles and thought pieces written by subject matter experts provide significant knowledge base to our visitors. You quickly learn as a parent: What works for a while won’t work forever. Most of the time, their sleeping cycle will leave you vexed and annoyed, but that is part of what motherhood is. Almost within an hour after birth, the doctor will put some eye drops to ensure that the baby’s eyes are free from any infection. Related Issues; Specifics; See, Play and Learn. Your milk is the best, most nutritious food that you can give to your infant, and breastfeeding your child is great for your health as well. Like APGAR, a physical examination after birth is necessary. MEDICATIONS. Make sure you use a mild shampoo. Your baby’s eyes are extremely delicate and sensitive. Throughout the pregnancy, the baby is in the comfort of your womb, but all of a sudden during birth, this isn’t the case, and this is why skin to skin contact is necessary. Learn all about baby care from the experts here. If you see traces of blood – calm down, it’s normal. Baby Care Room A Baby Care Room, BCR is a room providing facilities for the use of carers to attend to the personal needs of babies or toddlers, such as breastfeeding, feeding fluids and solids, changing of nappies and the like. Every new parent wants to do as much as possible right when it comes to their precious newborn. Also Read: How to Take Care of Newborn Twins, 15 Steps of Newborn Baby Care Immediately after Birth. The doctor slaps the baby’s bottom at birth to help clear the airways and encourage breathing. You’ll see that a stump of the umbilical cord remains in the navel of your child. If your child isn’t getting enough sleep, your child is probably in distress. At first, you’ll see that the milk is thick and yellowish – that’s some extremely rich, healthy milk called colostrum. Statistics and Research; Clinical Trials; Journal Articles; Resources. Going home with a new baby is exciting, but it can be scary, too. Baby Nail Care – protect the skin from scratches. Cutting the umbilical cord looks and sounds painful, but it isn’t. Every baby needs essential newborn care, ideally with their mothers providing warmth, breastfeeding and a clean environment. It is important to monitor the baby for 6-10 hours after birth, as several changes take place in the major organ systems in this period. Pregnant women will now be able to attend face-to-face antenatal appointments and classes according to new advice from The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG). Since 2002, Baby Care Advice has assisted thousands of parents worldwide solve minor and complex baby care problems by our articles and consultations. A newborn child does not have as much fat as an adult or a grown-up kid has, and this is the case especially with premature kids as well as kids who are underweight. U.S. researchers have created tiny skin-like wires so it will be much easier for parents to interact with their babies. You can start breastfeeding your baby about an hour or two after birth. BCG offers protection against tuberculosis. It is a … PHYSICAL PROBLEMS. Should you have any concerns about your health, or of that of your baby or child, please consult with your doctor. Related story The No 1 Thing Parents Forget About Baby Sleep Inside secrets of baby care… Just give your baby all the love and care, and make sure you take good care of yourself too, and you are sure to have a memorable journey. Articles. Your baby’s first poop is called meconium. You can ask your doctor for a recommendation on this one. Your use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. Additionally, fix a regular bedtime for your baby … Make sure you wrap your child in warm clothes, especially if the climate in your area and the environment is cold. The baby care range includes massage oil, nourishing cream, gentle body wash and shampoo and moisturizing soap. The diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle at the bottom of your baby’s chest, under the lungs, that relaxes and contracts to help your baby breathe. You may need to trim them as often as twice a week. Men; Patient Handouts; Summary. DEVELOPMENT. Use a damp cloth and some clean water to wipe your baby’s eyes. Luckily, with a little practice, you'll be a pro in no time (and can move on to other stuff, like treating diaper rash! From burping your baby to dressing him to cutting those tiny nails, it can all seem pretty challenging sometimes. BABY CARE. Circulatory & Physiological Respiratory Changes at Birth. Immediately after circumcision, the tip of the penis is usually … Be patient; your child will sleep as and when he feels like it. Each wonder week leads to your baby learning new skills they'll use for the rest of their life. The APGAR test is the first test that the doctor will perform on your child to make sure … This also makes the baby familiar with you. All rights reserved. Check the diapers, and see if he is hungry. Baby. Article Summary X. Once the baby is all set to face the world, the umbilical cord is cut, as it isn’t required anymore. At the age of 6 months or more, your baby should have about 11 to 15 hours of sleep daily and may have longer stretches of sleep than he used to have. However, post-birth, the baby’s lungs which were previously filled with fluid, are now filled with air. And … A wealth of trusted information on pregnancy, baby care and parenting tips. As of 2011, the book had been translated into 39 languages. Keep in mind that your baby’s skin is extremely sensitive, and it is prone to dryness. GROWTH. Nail care tips. A lot of women suffer from cracked nipples and hardening of breasts, for which there are ointments available that can provide relief. This is a time for developing the bonds that will last a lifetime providing the child with the inner resources to develop self-esteem and the ability to relate positively with others. This looks very different from faeces, but that is completely normal. Just be careful to keep the amount of aromatherapy oil very low as this is enough for a baby or young child. Premature babies are especially vulnerable to temperature instability, feeding difficulties, low blood sugar, infections, and breathing difficulties (Table 1). There are a lot of things that go into the care of the child when just born- the breathing of the child, sleeping, baby’s first breath and more. Video: Newborn Baby Care Immediately After Birth – 12 Important Steps to Follow, Greek Yogurt for Babies – Benefits, Recipes, and Precautions, Top 40 Names That Mean Gold For Boys And Girls, Here’s How to Protect Your Baby While Keeping Them Happy, Newborn Eye Ointment to Prevent Eye Infection at Birth, 70 Popular Czech Names for Boys and Girls, Shame on Kareena Kapoor for Neglecting her Child: You’ll Love Bebo’s Response to This Hateful Comment, Blocked Milk Ducts During Breastfeeding- Causes, Remedies and Prevention, Causes of Cervical Mucus Hostility That Can Impact Your Ability to Get Pregnant, 5 Foods That Increase Fertility for Conceiving Twins, 40 Best 60th Birthday Wishes and Messages for Parents. Pigeon is a global baby and mother care brand that is now available in India. ). You’ll see the baby relax almost instantly. Through the nine months of your pregnancy, the umbilical cord was a lifeline that connected you to your baby, providing your loved one with all the oxygen and nourishment that was needed. The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care is a book by American pediatrician Benjamin Spock and one of the best-selling books of the twentieth century, selling 500,000 copies in the six months after its initial publication in 1946 and 50 million by the time of Spock's death in 1998. You might also see some yellow fluid, that’s normal too. Skin-to-skin contact is very important for your child. The healing power of aromatherapy oils helps you baby to be healthy and free from harmful germs and bacteria. The following soothing methods can be used when you have first tried to feed baby and they are not hungry. Next, change your baby’s diaper as soon as you realize it's soiled and bathe the baby a couple of times per week. Aromatherapy For Baby Care. If you feel the required gain is not taking place, do consult a paediatrician and plan a diet which provides all the nutrients with which the baby needs to thrive. Mum blasted for giving baby a 'trashy' manicure: 'This is going to end badly', 'Unaccustomed to caution': Man worried his 'clumsy' wife will accidentally hurt their baby, Baby poo: Everything you ever wanted to know, Constipation in babies when starting solids, Weaning a toddler off a dummy: a 15-day plan, Welcome news: RANZCOG announces changes to pregnancy care, A guide to keeping your baby warm during winter, 'He doesn't think I'm trying hard enough': husband's extreme actions to force wife to breastfeed, 'Screaming, crying and rushed to surgery': Mum's button battery warning. If you're fretting about changing diapers, feeding, bathing, etc., it's time you relax! Basics. Summary; Start Here; Learn More. If the doctor determines that the score is too low at the 5-minute mark, he/she may need to provide medical attention immediately. You’ll see that newborn babies never sleep when you want them to, and always sleep when you don’t want them to. Insisting that there is actually a fixed definition of what infrastructure is — bridges, but not baby care — perfectly encapsulates the ways in which the world is still shaped by men. Make sure you keep the baby’s eyes clean at all times. Raising a baby, especially for the first time, is both exciting and challenging. Give it a week or two, and you’ll see that the baby’s poop is relatively normal. This is important since newborns can scratch their faces with their own nails. Once it falls, the belly button of the child might look sore – this takes a few more days to heal. Say goodbye to sleep after the birth of your newborn. It is recommended that for the first week and a half, you give your child a sponge bath. When a hiccup occurs, your baby’s diaphragm involuntarily and suddenly contracts, quickly causing air to get sucked in a little more forcefully than a usual breath. babies have amazing abilities, yet they are completely dependent on others for feeding, warmth, and comfort. Dry and clean at all times women suffer from cracked nipples and hardening of,. Patient ; your child in warm clothes, especially if the climate your! K helps in regulating the body temperature blanket is wrapped around both you your... For any errors, omissions or misrepresentations taking care of as soon as your baby ’ s hair day! Moisturizing soap s nails 1-2 times weekly, since they grow quickly two, and is! Massage oil, nourishing cream, gentle body wash and shampoo and soap... Just be careful to keep the area dry and clean at all times, your... Any bleeding are not hungry which there are ointments available that can provide relief in regulating the body temperature order... 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