california sea lion lifespan

Pups left on shore tend to gather in nurseries to socialize … Males are typically around 2.4 m (7.9 ft) long and weigh up to 350 kg (770 lb), while females are typically around 1.8 m (5.9 ft) and weigh up to 100 kg (220 lb). Many times, sea lions can drag this gear along for long distances, which can cause them to suffer fatigue, affect their ability to feed, and cause severe injuries. This condition can lead to seizures or death by domoic acid poisoning. Interbirth intervals are particularly long for this species, being 21 days for sea lions off California and more than 30 days for sea lions in the Gulf of California. Warm waters also cause female sea lions to go further out into the ocean to hunt in cooler water. and reach approximately 5-6.5 feet in length. These are massive animals! A sea lion can turn its hind flippers forward to help them walk on land. 19. If you see a small earflap on each side of its head, you are looking at a A small population of pups lives on Farallon and Año Nuevo Islands, located in central California. They may have a light silver or gray pelage (fur coat) after molting. Introduction. [32] Older pups may sometimes join their mothers during their foraging trips. Population estimates now suggest over 250,000 Californian Sea Lions are currently living on the West coast of America. This means longer periods before the mother can return to nurse her pups, leading to malnourishment or starvation of pups less than a year old. From May to August, males establish territories and try to attract females with which to mate. Sea lions can eat a lot. Pups have a black or dark brown pelage at birth. 1. They predominantly forage the Continental Shelf. ), and the population continues to expand at a rate of approximately 5.0% annually. Males are polygamous, meaning they take more than one mate. California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) belongs to the family of eared seals. Before mating begins, females gather into "milling" groups of 2–20 individuals. A sea lion closes its nostrils to keep out of the water, and opens them to breathe when it surfaces. California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) Can dive for 12 minutes at a time . [31] Females remain with their pups on shore for 10 days and nurse them. During this time, they will fast, relying on a thick layer of fat called blubber for energy. Females have long parturition intervals, and thus the males do not establish their territories until after the females give birth. A male California sea lion us… [11] When moving on land, the sea lion is able to turn its hindflippers forward and walk on all fours. [33] Pups are weaned by a year but can continue to suckle for another year.[4]. Because of this, California sea lions are a popular choice for public display in zoos, circuses and oceanariums, and are trained by the United States Navy for certain military operations. Males are generally a dark chestnut brown, although some males have lighter coloring on their head, muzzle, sides, hind and belly. California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) are regular and year-round inhabitants off Southern California , , , and they breed primarily on the offshore Channel Islands during the months of June and July , .Their position as top predators, relatively long lifespan and ability to accumulate anthropogenic toxins make California sea lions (CSL) effective sentinel species 1, , . Sea lions have sleek torpedo-like bodies and are powerful swimmers. 2. Common water predators of this sea lion are large sharks and killer whales. California sea lions grow to a maximum length of 8.4 feet (2.5 m) and weight of 1,153 pounds (523 kg). Due to their dimorphic nature, you can identify the gender of a California sea lion by appearance. Contact us today. They swallow it whole or tear it into chunks. LIFESPAN 20-30 years LOCOMOTION Graceful and acrobatic in the water, sea lions propel themselves through the water with large, wing-like fore flippers, usimg their hind flippers and tail for steering. Sea lions (or eared seals) and true seals can be differentiated by the way they move on land and by their ears. Median lifespan for California sea lion in natural habitat is 7.7-11.5 years. A thick layer of blubber helps sea lions stay warm in cold water. They are quite intelligent, can adapt to man-made environments, and even adult males can be easily trained. 1. [10] The flexibility of its spine allows the sea lion to bend its neck backwards far enough to reach its hindflippers. California sea lions are eared seals native to the West Coast of North America. American Oceans, Automated page speed optimizations for fast site performance, IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). A sea lion's eyes capture enough light to see in deep, dark water. You can spot California sea lions as far north as Vancouver Island, British Columbia in Canada south to Baja, California, near Mexico. This sea lion species is sexually dimorphic, which means you can determine a California sea lion’s gender by its appearance. However, as pups get older, they get more involved in reunions. California sea lions are generally found in waters over continental shelf and slope zones; they frequent coastal areas, including bays, rivers, and harbor mouths. This program is the United States Navy Marine Mammal Program, operating out of San Diego, California. You can also spot this species in southeast Asia. This is likely an adaptation for living in marine coastal habitats. Range. They have an average lifespan … It is one of six species of sea lion. [2], Being sexually dimorphic, California sea lions differ in size, shape, and coloration between the sexes. California Sea Lions are found from the tip of Baja to the Alaskan Gulf, primarily along coastlines with sandy or rocky beaches. [8], As an otariid, the California sea lion relies on its foreflippers to propel itself when swimming. They haul-out on these sites, too, as well as on buoys, jetties, and marina docks. It moves the foreflippers in a transverse, rather than a sagittal, fashion. By two weeks of age, male pups are larger and heavier (75.7 cm, 9.01 kg) than their female counterparts (72.3 cm, 7.6 kg). Their range extends from the subarctic to tropical waters of the global ocean in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, with the notable exception of the northern Atlantic Ocean. How Much Time do California Sea Lions Spend In and Out of Water? And adult and subadult males have a pronounced forehead crest with tufts of light hair. A sea lion may use its sensitive vibrissae to explore and locate food. On the other hand, females only get up to six feet in length and weigh between 200 and 250 pounds. The California Sea Lion is a coastal sea lion of western North America. The females in these groups will mount each other as well as the males. California sea lions are known for their intelligence, playfulness, and noisy barking. Copyright © 2021. This pattern occurs until the pup weans or stops relying on the mother’s milk for their food, which takes about a year. Sea lions can spend as many as two weeks at sea without visiting land! They prefer warm water but can be also found in cold. These eared seals top out at speeds of some 25 miles an hour. Since temperatures can reach over 30 °C (86 °F) during this time, males must include water within their territories. Interbirth intervals are particularly long for this species, being 21 days for sea lions off California and more than 30 days for sea lions in the Gulf of California. Introduction. In some cases, these entanglements can cause a reduced ability to reproduce or death. A mother and pup can distinguish each other's calls from those of other mothers and pups. [8] Adult male California sea lions play no role in raising pups, but they do take more interest in them than adult males of other otariid species; they have even been observed to help shield swimming pups from predators. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A California sea lion is a very fast, agile swimmer and can often be seen wave riding and porpoising. A male sea lion usually keeps his territory for around 27 days. [31], Female California sea lions have a 12-month reproductive cycle, consisting of a 9-month actual gestation and a 3-month delayed implantation of the fertilized egg before giving birth in June or July. California sea lions have a polygynous breeding pattern. The California Sea Lion lives in the sunlight zone. Another serious threat to California sea lions is harmful algae, which can bloom out of control during ideal growing conditions. In size and appearance, males are very different from the female California sea lions. Sea lions are sexually dimorphic; males are larger than females, and have a thicker neck, and protruding sagittal crest. Outside their breeding season, sea lions spend much of their time at sea, but they come to shore to molt. The sea lion's torpedo-shaped body and amazing agility allows them to swim with ease, catch fish and escape predators. Their numbers are abundant (188,000 U.S. stock 1995 est. Sharks and orca whales regularly feed on sea lions. Sea lions eat more fish in the winter to build up their blubber layers. The largest sea lion is the Steller sea lion and males can weigh up to 1,000 kilos (2,200 lbs) and grow to a length of over 3 meters (10 ft). Additionally, the pressures from the fish industries also bring them into conflict with humans. In Mexico, a few California sea lions are trapped each year, while in the United States they are fully protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. They do however face other human threats in the form of fishing nets, as they tend to feed on species also used in commercial fishing, they will often be caught in fishing nets and drown. Lifespan in the wild is 15-24 years, and longer in captivity. They are able to travel some distance in search of their favorite foods, but they feed mostly in areas of upwelling. Together with the fur seals, they comprise the family Otariidae, eared seals, which contains six extant and one extinct species (the Japanese sea lion) in five genera. Most California sea lions breeding occurs on offshore islands from the Channel Islands in southern Cali down to Mexico. Safaripedia | California Sea Lion Their diet mainly includes fish, shellfish and squid. The American Oceans Campaign is dedicated primarily to the restoration, protection, and preservation of the health and vitality of coastal waters, estuaries, bays, wetlands, and oceans. Sea lions are hunted by orcas and large sharks; pups are hunted by coyotes and feral dogs on land. The toxins from algae can build up in a sea lion’s body from consuming infected prey. It is found in the Pacific Ocean, which borders Australia, Asia and North America. Sea lions are particularly intelligent, can be trained to perform various tasks and display limited fear of humans if accustomed to them. Humans can pose a severe threat to California sea lions. 18. Threats: There are natural problems such as El Ni ñ o, that have an effect on food availability. The population in Japan is now extinct. The mother and pup can find each other on the beach due to their distinct calls. California Sea Lions are dark brown at birth, weighing around 16 pounds. The California Sea Lion is a sexually dimorphic species; adult males weigh three to four times more and are up to 1.2 times longer than their female counterparts. The California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) is a type of eared seal native to western North America. The biggest risk is getting tangled up in fishing gear, including gillnets, traps, and pots. They are in a different group of mammals, called Eared Seals, so-called for the presence of ear flaps covering their ears. Compared to the harbor seal, the California sea lion's vibrissae are smoother and less specialized and thus perform less when following hydrodynamic trails, although they still perform well. Their dives typically last about two minutes, though they can last as long as ten … When establishing a territory, the males will try to increase their chances of reproducing by staying on the rookery for as long as possible. Both sexes have a sleek, single hair coat, which also distinguishes them from true seals. In zoos and aquariums, keepers feed them capelin and herring which the sea lion usually swallows whole and head first. All California sea lions have broad front flippers, long, narrow snouts, and hind flippers with three to five claws on each side. [9] Both sexes have long, narrow muzzles. California sea lions aren’t picky about the type of seafood they consume. California Sea Lion. [31] Mating may occur outside the rookeries, between non-territorial males and females, as the latter move to and from the mating site. When establishing a territory, the males will try to increase their chances of reproducing by staying on the rookery for as long as possible. California sea lions are very intelligent animals and have been used by the US Navy to detect mines, protect harbors and ships, and recover lost equipment. While the mom’s away, the pup will not eat. When chasing prey underwater, a California sea lion can stay under for up to ten minutes before running out of air. In the summer, their appetites reduce and they use up the extra blubber layer. This form of aquatic locomotion, along with its streamlined body, effectively reduces drag underwater. 17. These groups begin to disintegrate as the females begin to mate. California sea lions may eat alone or in groups. Juveniles and adult females have slender bodies with tan or blonde coats. [14], Sea lions have color vision, though it is limited to the blue-green area of the color spectrum. Lifespan. Sea lions are mammals, which means the females give birth to live pups and feed their pups with milk. This issue can potentially lead them to stop hunting for food and make them approach the wrong humans to take food off fishing boats, resulting in retaliation by the fishermen. Currently, this sea lion is classified as “Least Concern,” due to its increasing population size. California sea lions have many animal predators that put them at risk of becoming a larger species’ meal. Sea lions are not the same as true seals. After this, the males rely on ritualized displays (vocalizations, head-shaking, stares, bluff lunges, and so on) to maintain their territorial boundaries. They eat lots of fish and squid. When a sea lion dives, its heartbeat slows and blood is restricted to its most vital organs, allowing it to dive hundreds of feet and stay underwater up to 10 minutes. Sea lions are pinnipeds characterized by external ear flaps, long foreflippers, the ability to walk on all fours, short, thick hair, and a big chest and belly. From … Sea lions have outstanding adaptations for living both on land and in the sea. So what do you look at to tell whos who? [29] Sea lions that fail to establish a territory are driven out to sea or gather at a nearby beach. Any marine animal falls under the jurisdiction of the MMPA. [4] They also have manes, which are less developed than those of adult male South American and Steller sea lions. They have a lifespan of 20 to 30 years. Unfortunately, some of these algae blooms contain toxins that can poison sea life, including the fish sea lions used for their primary food source. [17], A zookeeper getting a kiss from a sea lion at Prospect Park Zoo. They eat squid, clams, and different fish species, including hake, anchovy, salmon, dogfish, rockfish lamprey, Pacific whiting, herring, steelhead, mackerel, dogfish, red octopus, and market squid. NPS. Sometimes they are seen several miles offshore. 18 to 25 years. California sea lions have a diet that primarily consists of seafood they can forage from mainland coasts, seamounts, and continental shelves. California sea lion males have been observed living for at least 19 years, while females tend to live longer around... 3. These sea lions are sexually mature between four and five years old. After this she heads out to sea for up to three days before returning to spend 2-3 days nursing the pup. Considering a male sea lion may reach up to 1000 lbs., this is no small feat. During breeding, this species uses rocky coves, sandy beaches. A distinct population also lives on the Galápagos Islands. California sea lions have an average lifespan of fewer than 30 years in the wild. Predators. During this time, they will fast, relying on a thick layer of fat called blubberfor energy. [4] The territorial and mating system of the California sea lion has been described as similar to a lek system, as females appear to choose their mates while moving though different territories. Its natural habitat ranges from southeast Alaska to central Mexico, including the Gulf of California. Female California sea lions have a lifespan of 18-25 years. Each male creates a breeding territory with up to 14 females and becomes aggressive if a threat intrudes on their territory. This allows the animal to make dorsal turns and maintain a streamlined posture. Many humans also ignore the laws that forbid feeding sea lions, which can cause this species to become trustful of humans. On land, the California sea lions, mostly the young, smaller ones, are at risk of bald eagles, feral dogs, and coyotes. They have learned to follow pods of dolphin and other Cetaceans to find concentrations of fish. California sea lions are a coastal species that live in shallow waters, on … Most fights occur during this time. While they are left on the shore pups form nurseries where they can socialise and play. Females are ready to mate again just three to four weeks after giving birth. Terms & Conditions. Some territories are underwater, particularly those near steep cliffs. They became a protected species in 1975. The California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) is a coastal eared seal native to western North America. California sea lions have a lifespan of twenty to thirty years. Look at their ears. Despite their large size, adorable appearance, and vast intelligence, the California Sea Lion does have predators and other threats to their survival. And it’s common for this species to work with other hunters, including seabirds, dolphins, and porpoises, when chasing schools of fish. They use these flippers to walk on land or to swim. Its foreflipper movement is not continuous; the animal glides in between each stroke. Females and juveniles are usually tan. By the time the pup (a baby sea lion) reaches five to six months of age, they molt (lose) their baby coat and grow into their adult color. In addition, it relies on movements of its head and neck more than its hindflippers for terrestrial locomotion. A Galápagos sea lion may spend an average of 15.7 hours foraging at sea. A significant number of California sea lions have been killed as a result of getting tangled in discarded fishing gear. [8] Adult males also have a protruding crest which gives them a "high, domed forehead";[9] it is tufted with white hairs. Pups are born with a thick brownish-black lanugo that … The California sea lion, whose scientific name is Zalophus Californianus, is only one six types of sea lions that roam the earth. [8] The pelage of adult males can be anywhere from light brown to black, but is typically dark brown. Male sea lions are larger than females or juveniles, growing up to seven feet long and weighing between 600 and 850 pounds. Able to rotate their hind flippers for locomotion on land, sea lions are quite are … Sea lions are highly intelligent. It also lives around Oregon, Washington and British Columbia to the north and Mexico to the south. [16] Sea lions rely on their whiskers or vibrissae for touch and detection of vibrations underwater. Females are free to move in between territories, and are not coerced by males. There is believed to be a number of … At the Zoo, they are fed fish. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists the species as Least Concern due to its abundance. California sea lions don't chew their food. Discover How Long California sea lion Lives. They love to socialize and frequently communicate through barks, similar to a dog, while in massive social groups that can be up to hundreds of sea lions. At first, reunions largely depend on the efforts of the mothers. But the males won’t start establishing individual breeding territories (socially mature) until they’re between nine and twelve years old. California sea lions are members of the "eared seal" family, Otariidae. They lay on land to breed, rest (haul out), socialize, and molt (shed their coat). Some wean at 6 months while for others it takes a year. In some rookeries, copulation may be monopolized by a few males, while at others, a single male may sire no more than four pups. [15] Sea lions have fairly acute underwater hearing, with a hearing range of 0.4–32 kHz. It is one of five species of sea lion. Did You Know? As its name suggests, the California Sea Lion is found mainly around the waters of California. Privacy Policy. Eastern North Pacific Ocean from the Gulf of Alaska to Baja California. Quick Facts Type: Mammal Diet: Carnivore: Squid, fish, shellfish Average lifespan: 20–30 years Average size: Males: 8 ft.; Females: 6 ft. Average weight: Males: 770 lb. Size and patience allow a male to defend his territory more effectively; the bigger the male, the more blubber he can store and the longer he can wait. California sea lions are “eared seals” which are commonly mistaken as "true seals." Pups left on shore tend to gather in nurseries to socialize and play. [30] They avoid males that are too aggressive or energetic. Southeast Asia occasionally California sea lions have a lifespan of 18-25 years 85 to 198 dives they mostly... August, with a hearing range of 0.4–32 kHz external ear flaps have sleek! Offshore Islands from the tip of Baja to the blue-green area of the.! To stay underwater for up to 14 females and becomes aggressive if a threat intrudes on their territory, entanglements. Humans if accustomed to them believed to be a number of species of fish and squid and. 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