john perry barlow cia

Date of Birth: October 3, 1947Place of Birth: Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Date of Death: February 7, 2018Place of Death: San Francisco, Here is his obituary from the New York Times: Dan Ingalls. Do they have any viable means of resisting an intelligence agency launching an operation to infiltrate and subvert their organization? What is out there is so shocking it will require a large number of people to help ease the population into accepting that nearly everything their senses have been exposed to via the media was controlled manipulation, the government they thought they elected was a mirage and what is there has been operating against them all along to make sure they never actually could pose any threat to the entire machine’s control over America. They compromised some, ruined others, framed still others, once that gave enough control they began hiring their own on into the organization. Turned over securedrop to Freedom of the Press John Perry Barlow – 187 post name [DROP]. Wolves are K-strategists, designed for when resources are too limited for everyone to survive. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Movie Trailer – From DeadDrop to SecureDrop. Forbes, 10.07.02. With the amount of estrogenized food, and drugs (big pharma and not) being pumped into our society, along with the accompanying propaganda telling guys it’s just OK to consume this crap, then bringing down the intel hammer on anyone who gets off the reservation (and tries to save others from it), it’s artificial control. Barlow had been part of the LSD (also known as "acid") counterculture in the 1960s and founded the Electronic Frontier Foundation. It’s not just in the USA, here in Portugal this kind of shit goes down too, just as a small example,, not even a personal one is the Maddie Mccann main ivestigation detective getting sudenly fired just when he was making advances on the case. He has taught at Harvard Law School, consulted for the CIA, and written for a wide diversity of publications ranging from Communications of the ACM to The New York Times to Nerve. Please let me know when I can expect to receive a response, or if further clarification is needed. Snowden was a CIA operative deployed to take down the NSA. Very few successfully manage it. @AltRockAddict: RT @prayingmedic: 37) #Qanon has addressed the CIA's monitoring of SecureDrop in previous posts noting that Snowden endorses its use by jou… - 3 years ago @zmartes: RT @adriaral: La semana pasada murió John Perry Barlow.Sin él y su Declaración de Independencia del Ciberespacio el mundo sería un lugar m… - 3 years ago @chewybooey1: RT @LisaMei62: 10. Is the ACLU a threat to intelligence operations and control in America? The people down the ladder probably know something is off, but they can’t be sure, and they don’t know by how much, so they keep their nose to the ground, do what they are told, and remain in the system, hoping whoever is above them is moral and decent at their core. The people the machine will elevate and place get an easy path to power and government favoritism courtesy of the machine, and in return the machine gets a friend in power who will do the machine favors whenever it wants. Finally it reached a point where the real, uncontrolled threats were so rare that when they popped up, the entirety of a machine that corrupted everything else almost simultaneously could focus on that lone threat completely, and it wouldn’t stand a chance. And when you see a fast rising media personality suddenly grow ill from an unusual disease or commit suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head twice, it means that they were organically rising and had refused an offer they shouldn’t have refused. It encompasses everything from entire government licensed professions vital to the private sector, to civilian networks which would tear up the nation and pit brother against brother, and family against family if exposed, to the very ideals of America. Why Spy? Subject: RE: Freedom of Information Request #F-2018-00649, The individual is still living.Date of Birth: October 3, 1947Place of Birth: Jackson Hole, Wyoming. He wrote a manifesto called A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace. It is a safe bet that decades ago, intel was infiltrating its people into the ACLU, just like SJWs infiltrate today, only done professionally and with planning, purpose, and focus, rather than organically due to neurosis. Q In a response to the post above, Q follows up with another post: Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 0f16d4 No.387462 Feb 15 2018 14:12:42 (EST) >James Dolan. Previous Post Anna Barlow at the John Perry Barlow Symposium Next Post Amelia Barlow at the Barlow Symposium. If this is what it seems, I can understand why Q’s drops are part of the plan, and why he says they cannot reveal everything. Our political battle is one between a glut-exploiting r-reproductive strategy of rabbits designed to produce raw numbers and a shortage-surviving K-reproductive strategy of wolves designed to produce quality. Specially if you have family members with high sociopathy and/or narcissism. The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics is available at Amazon at the link below. This might break some, others will just become fearlessly emboldened and willing to die in their fight agaist this rotten machine. Freedom is always a neverending battle. This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. And that ignores the dead bodies that have periodically piled up along the way. In CryptoBeast #19 Chip Wood claimed that he created the Grateful Dead in 1963 in Fountain Valley School in Colorado Springs, where he was a student with Bob Weir and John Perry Barlow, as a psyop to prevent global thermonuclear war.. Accordingly, I wish to update my request. These perceptions trigger ancient mechanisms in the brain that adapt psychology to environment. But they ARE trying to do better. Because when you control the machine, raising someone up is easy, and then you control the dialog. For more on that offer, see: Modern Political Thought in the Context of Evolutionary Psychology, Q Endorses Book By Intel Professional Which Says School Shootings Were A CIA Plan, Bill Whittle is brilliant, produces content better than anything on Fox News, and has amassed an impressive following, The origins of the term “New Edge†may be under contestation. I recall John Perry Barlow claiming the coinage and I’m sure Mondo Publisher Queen Mu has claimed it as well. But despite that, the game was being played, by hardcore pros who knew what they were doing. John Perry Barlow's writings resonate throughout the Internet and inform many of the debates springing up about freedom of expression and the challenges raised by the medium. Bill Whittle is brilliant, produces content better than anything on Fox News, and has amassed an impressive following. All these traits either help you win when you have to fight, or produce and protect fitter offspring, so they will win in a dangerous world that culls the weak. John Perry Barlow. Steve Jobs. Wallner wanted to know if I would be willing to drop by, have a look around, and discuss my ideas with a few folks. Have they had help? I would assume at least 50% of the names you recognize as Alt-right figures today are actually agents being run by somebody, and it could be 99%, for all I know. And -most importantly- this would NEVER be disclosed to the outside. John Perry Barlow still struggles with internet issues. He began life in a devout Mormon family in Wyoming, found himself writing lyrics for the cult favorite Greatful Dead rock band in his adulthood, and ended life as an outspoken co-founder and contributor to his Cyberspace freedom organization, the Electronic Frontier Foundation. What nobody thinks about is how long the intel game has been going on. MuckRock is a non-profit collaborative news site that gives you the tools to keep our government transparent and accountable. It creates leverage that a master player like Trump could use. And best of all, it will utterly demoralize and crush any leftist you describe it to, in unbelievable fashion. @Snowden You are now a liability. But outside of intellectual conservatives online, he is not anywhere near the name recognition of Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The military is helping to protect Pres. If it is as bad as you paint it to be, then no amount of support will be able to overcome it. Unfortunately that has been going on for decades, everywhere. Yes. And those military units are highly likely to be filled with the exact type of principled, freedom-loving warriors who have no taste for power, and who are willing to sacrifice everything for the principle of the Founder’s vision. ... No longer will the CIA be able to hand out the presidency as a party favor for power-grasping people who seek high office (Bush Senior and Bill Clinton, for two), in return for enabling drugs to enter the country and other nefarious activities. Thanks for your help, and let me know if further clarification is needed. Add family to that. News, Politics, and Continual Debate Over Who is the Greatest Leader of all Time, and Why is it President Donald J. Trump? Bookmark the permalink . Subject: Freedom of Information Request: John Perry Barlow CIA involvement.,, AC, wow, great post, google the Reece Committee, if you don’t know about it, it buttresses your thesis, truly incredible that it has been flushed down the old memory hole, all the best, M. At some point I don’t really have a problem with domestic intel operating doing what it is that they do- if it’s limited and not satanic or extremely illegal. Judges, Law Enforcement, government agencies, professions which require a government license – from doctors to veterinarians, private organizations, media, media watchdogs, fact-checkers, even the online right’s personalities, can all be part of the machine because they can either be promoted or controlled. I was introduced to this world by a former spy named Robert Steele, who called me in the fall of 1992 and asked me to speak at a Washington conference that would be “attended primarily by intelligence professionals.”… Steele’s conference was attended by about 600 members of the American and European intelligence establishment, including many of its senior leaders. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not. John Perry Barlow's vision of cyberspace as the 1990s equivalent of the Acid Tests. If the spooks can’t analyze their own data, why call it intelligence? I am surprised that it appears Trump is going here, because this is a massively powerful, incredibly well-designed machine. The ACLU fights government, the media exposes wrongdoing, the publishing houses print books in search of profits, government agencies fight to try and each expand their own domains relative to others, branches of government check each other to try and maintain their power, and on and on. Huawei and the 5G network are designed to enslave the globe. This shit does not happen unless someone forces the director of the investigation police force to burn the detective, which telegraphs governamental involvment from the Portuguese state into silencing the kidnap of a child just to protect Podesta and his brother Tony. So when you see some fast rising alt-right personality, my first question is, how are they rising so fast? If they are really trying to catch bad guys hey you’ve sometimes got to crack an egg to make an omelet. Even worse, many people they counted as friends and respected as professionals may just have been part of the machine that was working to control them all along. The ACLU will still do ACLU things, and actually sue the government, and pay lip service to freedoms and principles, and so on. In evolutionary ecology, r and K describe two fundamental psychologies seen in nature, designed to adapt an organism to either a glut or a shortage. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Q Click here to view our free course on spotting the massive domestic network of spies and civilian informants that has been deployed against the American people. About the only way I could see it succeed is by replacing it from the top down. John Perry Barlow’s sudden death last week shined a spotlight on his high-profile life one last time. Subverting the top one by one and relatively unobtrusively so that by the time it becomes clear (to the lower level) it is too late to reverse. His last book, scheduled for June publication, was released for review the day he died. Of course. It answers to a global master. Amazing Polly makes connections between the CIA, John Perry Barlow, and Corona. Now we need to look further into Barlow. The military angle is why I haven’t been bothered by the latest budget, which increases spending dramatically in a time when the FedGov is already $20 trillion in debt. This information is the most important contribution this website will make for America. Suggesting perhaps Barlow was visiting Snowden in Russia at the time. No? Nonetheless, I sallied forth, confidently telling the gray throng that power lay not in concealing information but in distributing it, that the Internet would endow small groups of zealots with the capacity to wage credible assaults on nation-states, that young hackers could easily run circles around old spies… When I came offstage, a group of calm, alert men awaited. [John Perry Barlow][2][3][4] WE HAVE THE SUB. Big tech companies (namely Facebook, Twitter, Amazon and Google) take the spotlight in this period’s Q drops, followed by Edward Snowden, the CIA, and the question of Russian interference on US politics. There will be protests and press releases, and those not in the know will think they are legit. “So when you see some fast rising alt-right personality, my first question is, how are they rising so fast?”. This entry was posted in Donald Trump, Gray's Economy and tagged Aaron Swartz, Daniel Ellsberg, Edward Snowden, James Dolan, John Brennan, John Perry Barlow by Michael Gray. And the liberals don’t even like that. My only conclusion is the entire thing was so thoroughly infested with leftist SJWs that it cannot be allowed to survive, in any form. With Mitchell Kapor, he co-founded the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The five psychological traits inherent to the r-strategy are docility/conflict-avoidance, promiscuity/non-monogamy, single-mom'ing, early sexualization of young, and no loyalty to a competitive in-group. Fame is not organic or natural. But these things have a way of happening in cycles, so it will be disassembled, it will probably regrow, it will overstep, and the whole thing will have to be disassembled again. All of politics and much of history are r vs K. Please consider helping to spread this theory by telling others about this site. Because while politicians can lateral or be lifted quickly into high-level positions in agencies like the FBI or CIA, you cannot as easily corrupt Marine Corp Intelligence’s leadership. The five traits of a K-strategist are competitiveness/ aggressiveness/protectiveness, competitive mate monopolization/ monogamy, high-investment two-parent rearing, only mating when mature, and high loyalty to one's competitive in-group. Think about it, because this appears to be a large part of where Q is going ultimately. For more than a year now, there has been a deluge of stories and op-ed pieces about the failure of the American intelligence community to detect or prevent the September 11, 2001, massacre. rien says: February 17, 2018 at 5:23 am. He was Fellow Emeritus at Harvard University's Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, where he had maintained an affiliation since 1998. Some Argue That Barlow, a Writer, Started the Popularity of the Term ‘Cyberspace’ … I don’t care how much I need to sacrifice, I’d rather be dead than complicit in the silence that allows the deep statists operate. John Perry Barlow. John Perry Barlow, 10.07.02 ... Steele moved to the CIA and served three overseas tours in clandestine intelligence, at least one of them "in a combat environment" in Central America. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I hereby request the following records: All records on John Perry Barlow held by the CIA, including contracts, emails, meetings attended, files and notes. John Perry Barlow has been a cattle rancher and lyrics writer for the Grateful Dead. My impression of what I see is the system is heavily compartmentalized. He infiltrated John Perry Barlow's Secure Drop which became the vehicle for the CIA to deliver 4 am talking points to the Mainstream Media. Learn more. Since submitting my request, a public announcement has been made of the subject John Perry Barlow's death. POTUS 36 TO 44 ARE CIA. John Perry Barlow was a co-founder of the Freedom of the Press Foundation. No amount of Q drops could change this. The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes. For someone whose major claim to fame was hippie song-mongering, addressing such an audience made me feel as if I’d suddenly become a character in a Thomas Pynchon novel. He was also a lyricist for the Grateful Dead and a founding member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the Freedom of the Press Foundation. The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes. John Perry Barlow (October 3, 1947 – February 7, 2018) was an American poet, essayist, cattle rancher, and cyberlibertarian political activist who had been associated with both the Democratic and Republican parties. A few drops of lemonade from some moldy life-lemons. But that is their cover. [17] An interview with John Perry Barlow in Forbes: “Why Spy?”, October 7, 2002. WATCH … All help this glut-exploiting psychology to out-reproduce everyone else by avoiding danger, mating widely starting young, booting offspring early to mate again, and never risking for others . And the farther that went, the deeper they got, and the more they had to do it completely. But it doesn’t work that way. In CryptoBeast #19 Chip Wood claimed that he created the Grateful Dead in 1963 in Fountain Valley School in Colorado Springs, where he was a student with Bob Weir and John Perry Barlow, as a psyop to prevent global thermonuclear war.. Q warned John Perry Barlow on Jan. 27, 2018 and Barlow appears to have been given a heart attack by the CIA within the last few days. We -the masses- are used and possibly to good ends, but we would never know and may even feel betrayed (without actual cause). 2 thoughts on “ Snowden’s connections with ex-CIA John Brennan revealed ” If you are a conservative who supports Donald Trump, it is most likely operating in your neighborhood, and spying on your family. Pick an area today, and you will find some intel organization in control. They are the result of psychological shifts produced by perceptions of K-stimuli in the environment such as conflict, danger, and shortage, or r-stimuli, such as safety, pleasure, and abundance. John Perry Barlow was an eclectic character who led an eclectic life. The leaders need to be detached from the system, taken out, and then some means of making sure power never coalesces that much has to be put in place. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires. Does the ACLU have an office of counter-intelligence? This site asks for your help in promoting the idea that our political ideologies evolved from r/K Selection Theory in evolutionary ecology. Not quite. End Q post. An acknowledgement letter, stating the request is being processed. In the last six years, Barlow, 46, has evolved from Wyoming cattle like this one. The swings between conservatism and liberalism at the societal level are not the result of logical argument or reasoned debate. If it is as bad as you paint it to be, then no amount of support will be able to overcome it. An interim response, stating the request is being processed. The Internet’s Own Boy. Subject: RE: Freedom of Information Act Request #F-2018-00649. So basically two former CIA guys, Barlow and Snowden, got together and created the software which whistleblowers are supposed to use to clandestinely contact members of the media. John Perry Barlow and the other founders of Freedom of the Press Foundation were all murdered [187] during this CIA operation. ... A CIA agent introduced Myron Stolaroff to LSD in 1956 while Stolaroff was working as an engineer and corporate planner for … Think you can study the machine and then expose its operations with the help of a devastating lawsuit, aided by the ACLU? John Perry Barlow. John Perry Barlow '69 rides fences on the electronic frontier by Lisa Greim '81 (written for Wesleyan magazine, an alumni publication) To the surprise of many who know him, John Perry Barlow '69 has become respectable. On January 9, 2018, before Q had ever mentioned Barlow, Steve Outtrim of Muckrock News filed a Freedom of Information Act request on “All records on John Perry Barlow held by the CIA, including contracts, emails, meetings attended, files and notes.” This machine needs to crash and burn. Additionally, you have guys in this country who are seriously messed up. For decades, intel has been taking control, and subverting any outlet which could pose a threat, partly because that is what they do, partly because they are operating so outside the margins they have had to, because they can’t let their operations get exposed. By maintaining the organization as controlled opposition, they can suck up the oxygen and keep any similar organization from rising up, and perhaps posing a legitimate, uncontrollable threat one day. No amount of bottom up would suffice. Has the ACLU ever made an employee take a poly about past associations? Tell others about r/K Theory, because harsh wakeups from nightmares are not that bad. One thing Q says which makes sense is that Trump’s ace in the hole is the military. And along the way the public needs to be imbued with enough amygdala that at least for a generation they will not allow it to happen again. The drops insist Barlow died on Feb. 8, 2018, while obit was published on the 7th. Among them was Paul Wallner, the CIA’s open source coordinator. In this episode I present some of my own research into the Grateful Dead, the Merry Pranksters, and Stanford’s “Bohemian Quarter”, Perry Lane. John Perry Barlow still struggles with internet issues. Almost everything we see happening today is in this book, published in 1932: I take this to mean local time of death could have been the 8th. The later being extremely difficult. You had assigned it reference number #F-2018-00649. CIA John Perry Barlow Mitch Kapor Post navigation. Q claims that the CIA uses computer games to send coded orders for illegal operations to rogue operatives such as Snowden and John Perry Barlow. >Even worse, many people they counted as friends and respected as professionals may just have been part of the machine that was working to control them all along. In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. THE CIA ROGUE OF THE DEEP STATE WITH AN ATTEMPT TO OVERTHROW AND BUSHWHACK THE PATRIOTIC NSA BY COMMITTING TREASON IN THE PROCESS. They are babes in the woods, and the wolves are silent and have very sharp teeth. This idea's beneficial effects on our governance and our freedom cannot be overestimated, if it can only spread. Trump, so it had to be funded, even with a lot of nonsense, unnecessary spending. Qanon Told us Exactly how John Perry Barlow Would Die After weeks of wracking my brain with research, I have decided my first post in relation to Qanon should relate to John Perry Barlow, how Qanon predicted his death, how deeply he was entrenched in American culture, and why Q has deemed him important enough […] It is tough building a following. A Grassroots Conservative Media Production Company – Most of these guys who are reforming are overweight, big box workers or mid-manager types trying to act a little better, maybe buy their first gun, maybe wife a post wall-“reformed” slut- you know, pathetic shit. or – Replacement by a similar system. Want the latest investigative and FOIA news? Dead suicide >Kevin Paulson. Taraborrelli also interviewed another pal of Kennedy’s, John Perry Barlow, the Grateful Dead lyricist who passed away in 2018 at age 70. Albert Hofmann Allen Ginsberg artificial intelligence Central Intelligence Agency CIA counterculture Cybernetics Cyberpunk DMT Fringe science Futurology Graphene Hallucinations Hippie John Perry Barlow LSD Mondo 2000 Mondo 2000 History Project Nanomaterials new age Philosophy Psychedelic psychedelic drugs psychedelics R.U. JFK was warning us about the CIA which is housed in the USA, but does not put US interests first. They all expose themselves if you know what to look for. Any email from John Perry … As you can see by the shocked 5 star reviews on the book's Amazon page linked above, this idea, and the science behind it, blows people away when they see it. They seemed eager, in their undemonstrative way, to pursue these issues further. Had it not been being played, then the world would look like you picture it today. – “A few weeks later, in early 1993, I passed through the gates of the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, and entered a chilled silence, a zone of paralytic paranoia and obsessive secrecy, and … Why? Lastly, we take a critical look at the founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, John Perry Barlow, and make the case for his integral partnership in the Snowden/NSA psy-op. Feb. 8, 2018 at 5:23 am s open source coordinator is,... You describe it to be a threat, is already infiltrated and compromised the old.! Idea 's beneficial effects on our governance and our Freedom can not be overestimated, if is... Selection Theory in evolutionary ecology like that posts by email are babes in the know think! Vs K. Please consider helping to spread this Theory by telling others about Theory. The farther that went, the CIA, John Perry Barlow ’ s ace in the USA but. 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