university of bonn

The university offers undergraduate and graduate programs, with student around 35,000 and over 6,000 staff. Unterstützung beim Studieren in einem (erneut) primär digitalen Semester. History and tradition of the opening of the academic year. Protestant, Catholic, Islamic, Jewish, Greek Orthodox as well as Old Catholic congregation. Informations about the Season Tickets for Students and Members of Staff, University Parking, Working Together to Reduce Traffic and further informations. Längst ist aus dem Universitätsfest mit Abschlussfeier und Universitätsball eine „Institution“ geworden. Student Orientation and Getting to Know the University of Bonn. The results are published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. Mission, objectives and organisation of the transdisciplinary research area – Building Blocks of Matter and Fundamental Interactions (TRA Matter) – of the University of Bonn. The University of Bonn is a public research university located in Bonn, Germany. The page includes the conditions of participation in the presence action of the Unifest. Akademischer Kalender, Vorlesungszeiten und andere Semestertermine, Graduation and Transition to a Professional Career, Termine für Veranstaltungen, welche Orientierung und Informationen zum Studienstart vermitteln, Stundenplan erstellen | Ablauf des Studium < An- und Abmeldung zu Lehrveranstaltungen und Prüfungen | Selbst- und Zeitmanagement | Lernstrategien. The start-up coaches at the Transfer Center enaCom will listen to your idea, assess its potential and show you ways to become self-employed. Founded over 200 years ago, the University of Bonn belongs to Germany's most recognized institutions for research and higher education. Alle Informationen zur staatlichen Ausbildungs- und Studienförderung BAföG (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz). Die Universität Bonn bietet regelmäßig einer breiten Öffentlichkeit Lehrveranstaltungen, Vortragsreihen, Vorträge, Diskussionen, Ausstellungen und Führungen, die über das fachspezifische Studienangebot hinausgehen. Wer sich für ein höheres Fachsemester bewerben möchte oder mit bereits abgeleisteten Studienleistungen in einen anderen Studiengang wechseln möchte, kann hier die Auswahlverfahren finden. Vice Rectorate for Digitalization and Information Management. Änderung der persönlichen Daten, Adressen oder Kontodaten. Welcome Center for International Researchers. Network and partners of the transdisciplinary research area Life and Health at the University of Bonn: Bonner Forum Biomedizin (BFB), Postdocs, collaboration partners, Modeling, Foresight and Risk Assessment Capacity, Institutional Innovation, Behavior and System Transformations, Lecture Series "Innovation Pathways to Sustainability". The COVID-19 pandemic requires that we comply with a number of different regulations. The University of Bonn was founded almost 200 years ago and is considered to be one of Germany's and indeed Europe's most important institutes of higher education. Vice Rectorate for Learning, Teaching and University Development. Quality Assurance in Research and Teaching. Sie möchten Geisteswissenschaften, Rechtswissenschaften, Wirtschaftswissenschaften studieren? Wir sind für Sie da! Find list of all courses of University of Bonn (Germany), their fee structure along with course duration & eligibility at Shiksha. Als erste deutsche Universität ging sie mit der Ausrichtung eines gemeinsamen Festes für alle Absolvent*innen völlig neue Wege. The video service and the photo service of the University of Bonn as well as with video productions and film productions, own Youtube channel and shooting permission. Vice Rectorate for Digitalization and Information Management. The University of Bonn awards the Initiative Prize to outstanding initiatives in the field of digitally supported teaching for the (further) development of e-learning offerings. Will any on-site courses be provided? Quality Assurance in Research and Teaching. The University of Bonn (German: Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn) is a public research university located in Bonn, Germany. Special social, societal and university-internal engagement on the part of a foreign student is awarded the DAAD Prize at the University of Bonn. The Rector is the head of the University of Bonn. The university congregations of the University of Bonn, which belong to the topic religion. Different founders share the office areas in a co-working space. Außerdem gibt es zusätzlich viele Beratungseinrichtungen des Allgemeinen Studierendenausschusses (AStA). Was müssen Sie dabei beachten und welche Schritte müssen Sie gehen? enaCom's team of coaches evaluate with you whether the application requirements for the different funding opportunities are met and help you with the application process. Professor Dr. Irmgard Förster has been the Vice Rector for Equal Opportunity and Diversity since 2021. Erfahren Sie hier alles über Ihren Weg auf eine Professur oder Juniorprofessur. The University of Bonn is known for its collaborative and international research culture. Her area of responsibility includes cooperation with universities, research institutions and research networks worldwide. Prerequisite for participation in the Unifest. The Study Program Molecular Biology and Biotechnology ️ at University of Bonn All info for international students (2021/2022) Important: Covid-19 update for international students StudyFinder Patented inventions are important for successfully introducing these innovations to the market. Breast cancer diagnosis: Around 88 percent of patients survive the dangerous disease in the first five years. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch, rector of the University of Bonn since 2015, has received the certificate of appointment for his second term from 2021 to 2025 at the Ministry of Culture and Science in Düsseldorf. Mobility in Bonn. Program overview of the opening of the academic year. An der Universität Bonn gibt es kein gesondertes Seniorenstudium. It supplies scholars, researchers and students with the books, publications and information needed for university studies, teaching, research and continuing education.Additionally, it lends scientific and scholarly publications to residents of Bonn and the surrounding area. Vice Rectorate for Research and Early-Career Researchers. We give University of Bonn students, researchers, employees and alumni the opportunity to receive answers to all their questions with the obligation of confidentiality. Long-term partners. An der Universität Bonn gibt es kein gesondertes Seniorenstudium. Lecture Series "Innovation Pathways to Sustainabilities" of the TRA Sustainable Future, in which top-class and internationally visible scientists speak. Before working in Bonn, he was a lecturer at the University of Freiburg in Germany, a guest lecturer at the University of Zaragoza in Spain, and a senior researcher at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in the group of Roland Siegwart. Das Unifestfest wurde kurzer Hand in den digitalen Raum verlegt. Der Karriereweg Tenure-Track führt nach einer befristeten Bewährungszeit und bei erfolgreicher Evaluation auf eine Lebenszeitprofessur. Our team is available at all times to provide advice and support on topics related to establishing contacts for cooperation, start-up issues, and opportunities for exploiting research results. Änderung der persönlichen Daten, Adressen oder Kontodaten. The University of Bonn is a popular study abroad destination among students interested in pursuing university programs in the sciences and arts. There is life outside of the classrooms and laboratories - explore it all! The Prix de la République Française honours work from all faculties at the University of Bonn that demonstrates a special knowledge of and interest in France. Alle Informationen zu Sozialbeiträgen, Gebühren und weiteren Kosten, sowie Lebenshaltungskosten. The start-up coaches at the Transfer Center enaCom will listen to your idea, assess its potential and show you ways to become self-employed. He had been re-elected by the Electoral Assembly of the University in fall 2020. Holger Gottschalk has headed the University Administration since 2017. An added bonus is that there is no tuition fee for students since it is a German public research university. This website provides members of staff at the University of Bonn with all the relevant information about working from home, childcare and safety in the pandemic. The University of Bonn is internationally recognized as one of the leading research universities in Germany with many outstanding and highly decorated researchers, including Nobel laureates, Fields medalists and Leibniz Prize winners. This year, it will consist of a combination of a presence action in the open air on the Hofgartenwiese as well as digital offers (individualization of an own graduation video, placing of photos and messages, individualization of digital postcards). Informations about the Season Tickets for Students and Members of Staff, University Parking, Working Together to Reduce Traffic and further informations. Beratung und Coaching für Wissenschaftler*innen ab Postdoc-Level. Die Gründe an der Universität Bonn zu studieren, forschen und arbeiten. Special academic achievements are traditionally honoured at the University of Bonn by the awarding of the DAAD Prize, the Initiative Prize, the Prix de la République française, the Premio Rey de España and the Queen's Prize. Where can I find documents for my course? Hausdorff-Gedächtnispreis 2019/2020 verliehen Für Lehrer*innen und Ihrer Klassen bietet die Universität Bonn Vorträge, Workshops und andere Möglichkeiten zur Studienorientierung. The Rhenish Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn (German: Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn) is a public research university located in Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The Executive Management develops and coordinates the Rectorate’s processes and manages cooperation in the Rectorate. The University of Bonn invites you to Unifest 2021. Ihre Kontaktpersonen für die Studienberatung: Die Zentrale Studienberatung, die Fachstudienberatungen und die Fachschaften (studentische Beratung). For the University of Bonn, located in the German city of the United Nations, sustainability is an overarching issue of unique and central importance that affects all areas. It was the first German university to break new ground by organizing a joint celebration for all graduates. The Bonn University Festival With the University Festival in 2005, the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität took on a pioneering role in honoring its graduates. Affiliated Institutions and Collaborating Units. The 200th anniversary of the University of Bonn took place on October 18, 2018 with a large ceremony in the WCCB in the presence of the Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. He also coordinates implementation of these objectives. The COVID-19 pandemic requires that we comply with a number of different regulations. Highlight wird die Übergabe der Schmuckurkunden vor dem Hauptgebäude der Uni sein. Das Bonner Universitätsfest Mit dem Universitätsfest hat die Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität 2005 eine Vorreiter*innenrolle zur Ehrung Ihrer Absolvent*innen übernommen. Discover the notable alumni of University Of Bonn. Im Rahmen des Bund-Länder-Programms für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (WISNA) kann die Uni Bonn 28 Juniorprofessuren mit Tenure-Track besetzen. Founded in its present form in 1818, as the linear successor of earlier academic institutions, the University of Bonn is today one of the leading universities in Germany. In der ersten ... Der Vortrag ist Teil der Veranstaltungsreihe "Sustainability in Trade: eine Frage der Transparenz?" Wir erklären Ihnen, was diese Studiengänge ausmacht. Wir geben Ihnen einen Einblick, welche Prozessschritte von der ersten Idee bis zum tatsächlichen Dienstantritt einer Professur zu durchlaufen sind. The University of Bonn is counted among the top research-intensive universities in Germany and the world. It was the first German university to break new ground by organizing a joint celebration for all graduates. Network and partners of the transdisciplinary research area Life and Health at the University of Bonn: Bonner Forum Biomedizin (BFB), Postdocs, collaboration partners, Modeling, Foresight and Risk Assessment Capacity, Institutional Innovation, Behavior and System Transformations, Lecture Series "Innovation Pathways to Sustainability". For general information please visit Specialists of the department consult patients on the genetic conditionality of their diseases. Valued for its highly research-oriented study programs, the University of Bonn has a long and rich history that originated almost 200 years ago. The university has the most impressive infrastructure and site situated in the city center. The university is best known for offering a unique range of programs in the subject areas of Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Economics, Biosciences, and Philosophy. What is the media reporting about the University of Bonn? Studienbescheinigungen für Familienkasse (Kindergeld), BAföG oder Studiendokumentation sowie Rentenversicherungsbescheinigung für die gesetzliche Rentenversicherung. The researchers conclude that there is a need for long-term support measures for patients. Es kümmert sich um Beurlaubung, Exmatrikulation, Datenänderung und das Gebührenmanagement der Sozialbeiträge. Informationen für die Bewerbung an der Universität Bonn, wenn Sie aus einem Nicht-EU/EWR-Land kommen. Long-distance trade and local exchanges in the Western Indian Ocean (3rd. Wir kümmern uns um Sie beim dienstlichen Ankommen an der Uni Bonn, bieten tatkräftige Hilfe und stellen Kontakte her. Hurray - we are a “Fair Trade University”, and our contribution to a fairer and more sustainable world has been recognized. What is the media reporting about the University of Bonn? He has been responsible for the area of research and early-career researchers since May 2021. Owing to its high spatial and temporal resolution, the method allows tracking rapid structural changes in enzymes and nucleic acids. The Museums in Bonn and from the University of Bonn. Program overview of the opening of the academic year. An academy was founded at Bonn in 1777 by Max Friedrich, Prince- Archbishop of Cologne. Check 4 courses of University of Bonn. Different founders share the office areas in a co-working space. The … Your project outline is in good hands with the enaCom coaching team. With our inspiring start-up stories, you can read up on relevant and interesting areas of start-up development. During the "Graduation Walk", which is planned for the last weekend in August, the graduates and their companions can move from station to station and take advantage of exciting offers. Ankommen in der Region. The University IT department, the Studierendenwerk and the University Archive perform important functions at the University of Bonn. Where Excellence Can Realize its Potential. It was founded as the Rhein University on 1818 by Frederick William III. Wer sich für ein höheres Fachsemester bewerben möchte oder mit bereits abgeleisteten Studienleistungen in einen anderen Studiengang wechseln möchte, kann hier die Auswahlverfahren finden. Ranks 1st among universities in Bonn. The consulting is free of charge and strictly confidential. Welcome to Bonn - Welcome to the world. This page provides an overview of the various opportunities, programs and use cases. There’s more to … The start-ups come from a wide variety of departments, ranging from the agricultural sciences to dentistry. Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg: Information about studies, departments, research and transfer. All are accessible by both car and public transport. Wenn Sie ein Studium ohne Abitur (Allgemeine Hochschulzugangsberechtigung) beginnen wollen, finden Sie hier Informationen zur Vorgehensweise und den Bewerbungsmodalitäten. Vice Rectorate for Learning, Teaching and University Development. All are accessible by both car and public transport. He also coordinates implementation of these objectives. We can present to you the opportunities that are available and help you on your way to a successful co-operation between science, business and society. Unterstützung bei individuellen beruflichen Herausforderungen, zur Vorbereitung auf Bewerbungen und Berufungsverfahren. It was founded in its present form as the Rhein University on 18 October 1818 by Frederick William III, as the linear successor of the Kurkölnische Akademie Bonn (English: Academy of the Prince-elector of Cologne) which was founded in 1777. Alle Informationen für Spitzensportler*innen für die Bewerbung um einen Studienplatz und die Unterstützung während des Studiums. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch has been the 143rd Rector of the University of Bonn since May 2015. We support a university-wide culture for exchange between science and society. The University of Bonn offers many undergraduate and … The University of Bonn was established in 1818 in Bonn, Germany. Traditionally elements such as the ceremonial marching in of the rectorate, official proclamations and review and outlook from the rector and the students point of view have been part of the opening of the academic year for many decades until now. We have compiled all the information relevant to teaching and examinations on this webpage in order to provide members of the teaching staff with an overview. It was founded in its present form as the Rhein-Universität (English: Rhine University) on 18 October 1818 by Frederick William III, as the linear successor of the Kurkölnische Akademie Bonn (English: Academy of the Prince-elector of Cologne) which was founded in 1777. Das Studierendensekretariat ist für Bewerbung, Zulassung und Einschreibung zuständig. Facts and figures about the University of Bonn with 6 Clusters of Excellence, 2 Nobel Prize laureates, 35,000 students, over 200 subject and much more. Außerdem gibt es zusätzlich viele Beratungseinrichtungen des Allgemeinen Studierendenausschusses (AStA). In the history and tradition of the ceremonial opening of the academic year at the University of Bonn, the gown, beret and sceptre play a traditional role. Photo gallery of events, research, teaching, learning, University buildings and the museums. All the documents relevant to University life during the pandemic are provided here. In jedem Studiengang gibt es wissenschaftliche Fachstudienberater*innen, die Ihnen detaillierte Informationen zu Ihren Studiengängen bieten. Get to know our cross-sectional tasks to improve equal opportunities and sustainability in the scientific community. The Executive Management develops and coordinates the Rectorate’s processes and manages cooperation in the Rectorate. Why should I purchase my University of Bonn vacation bundle with Travelocity? Many public funding programs are available to provide support for research projects on their way to innovation or a start-up. Boasting 200 years of history, over 38,000 students and an outstanding reputation both at home and abroad, the University of Bonn is one of Germany's leading universities. The University of Bonn is characterized as a world-renowned research and historical ambience university for two centuries. An innovative idea, a sustainable business model and founding personalities with persistence - these are all important topics for successful start-ups. Bonn, UNIVERSITY OF (RHEINISCHE FRIEDRICH-WILHELMS-UNIVERSITAT). Sie haben Fragen zu Ihrer Berufung oder zu Ihrem beruflichen oder privaten Wechsel an die Universität Bonn? Find our current job postings here. Collect lifelong memories and enjoy a fulfilling travel experience knowing you can rely on our expert team of customer support professionals 24/7. Studieninteressierte können aber die meisten Studiengänge oder einzelne Vorlesungen besuchen. The Premio Rey de España is awarded at the University of Bonn for outstanding achievements in the subject of Ibero-Romance Philology by the Spanish Embassy. The 200th anniversary of the University of Bonn took place on October 18, 2018 with a large ceremony in the WCCB in the presence of the Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Wie kann ich mich von meinem Studium beurlauben lassen? Holger Gottschalk has headed the University Administration since 2017. Find 11191 researchers and browse 192 departments, publications, full-texts, contact details and general information related to University of Bonn | Bonn, Germany | Uni Bonn The university's Service Center for Research Data provides comprehensive support and advice regarding research data management from planning and applying for research projects to publishing and archiving the data. The video service and the photo service of the University of Bonn as well as with video productions and film productions, own Youtube channel and shooting permission. Find out more about our University— who we are, what drives us, where we have come from and where we want to go. Für jeden Studienfach gibt es Fachschaften, in denen Studierende höherer Fachsemester organisiert sind. He acts as its representative and ensures that University rules are observed. Informationen und Ansprechpersonen zum Thema Studieren mit Kind. Als erste deutsche Universität ging sie mit der Ausrichtung eines gemeinsamen Festes für alle Absolvent*innen völlig neue Wege. Today, the university has more than 27,000 students. Studentische Beratung bietet einen realitätsnahen Einblick in Ihr Studium. Am Langen Abend der Studienberatung können Studieninteressierte kurz vor Studienstart wichtige Orientierungs- und Entscheidungshilfen durch fachspezifische und allgemeine Beratung erhalten. Find more on our collaborative research projects funded by the EU, DFG, BMBF and further funding organizations. Hilfe für Studierende, die psychische oder soziale Probleme haben. Find out about the structures that produce excellence at the University of Bonn from the University management to the faculties and all associated units. Lernen Sie die Stadt Ihrer neuen Wirkungsstätte kennen! Award ceremonies at the opening of the Academic Year. All contact persons in the Division of University Communications. Qualified in business administration, his main responsibilities include budget management, human resources and legal matters, and construction and property management. Our Vision Vision and mission statement of the University of Bonn, one of the most research-intensive German universities. Ankommen in der Region. Bei der Präsenzaktion, dem „Graduation Walk“, der für das letzte Augustwochenende geplant ist, können die Absolvent*innen gemeinsam mit ihren Begleitpersonen von Station zu Station ziehen und spannende Angebote wahrnehmen. Lernen Sie die Stadt Ihrer neuen Wirkungsstätte kennen! Veranstaltung I, Politische Forderungen nach Transparenz - Lieferkettengesetz. Alle Informationen zu Sozialbeiträgen, Gebühren und weiteren Kosten, sowie Lebenshaltungskosten. To secure its support he ordered that every monastery and convent within the archdiocese should either provide two professors or contribute a certain sum of money. Zu jedem Semester müssen Sie sich durch Überweisung Ihres Sozialbeitrags zurückmelden. Founded in 1818, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (University of Bonn) is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the urban setting of the medium city of Bonn (population range of 250,000-499,999 inhabitants), North Rhine-Westphalia. Schnuppern Sie Vorfreude! Many University of Bonn spin-offs are based on research results obtained by our researchers. Foundations, the state of NRW or the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences and Arts fund a large number of research projects at the University of Bonn. Professor Dr. Klaus Sandmann is the Vice Rector for Learning, Teaching and University Development. Eingeschriebene und nicht beurlaubte Studierende anderer inländischer Hochschulen können als Zweithörer*innen zugelassen werden. Challenges of gender equality and diversity since 2021 COVID-19 portal provides information for University members and about! Des Allgemeinen Studierendenausschusses ( AStA ) dialogue with all social stakeholders outside the lecture hall and laboratory— what... Are provided here ein, wenn Sie aus einem Nicht-EU/EWR-Land kommen höherer Fachsemester sind... & eligibility at Shiksha besuchen wollen und nicht beurlaubte Studierende anderer inländischer Hochschulen können als *. In contact with a number of collaborations with universities and research institutes in Africa Asia... Tenure-Track besetzen research results obtained by our researchers ( 3rd and use cases müssen Sie gehen visible scientists speak statement! Graduation ceremony and University Development since it is an internationally recognized research University and. Einer befristeten Bewährungszeit und bei erfolgreicher Evaluation auf eine Lebenszeitprofessur internationally visible scientists speak im. Its 200 year history has made it one of the winter Semester Together to Reduce and! 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