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sugar magnolia sugar snap pea

The Sugar Magnolia Pea is a beautiful deep purple colored sugar snap pea that is the result of over 15 years of development! This year it will be all ‘Super Sugar Snap’ for me and maybe I will try ‘Sugar Magnolia’ for a touch of color. They beat the mid-July heat, providing peas after the earlier, shorter day, varieties gave up, which makes this a good one for a succession crop. USA Seller - Organic Heirloom Pea Seeds - Sugar Magnolia Purple Snap Pea Seeds - Non GMO - Vegetable Gardening - Open Pollinated RaleighSeedCo 4.5 out of 5 stars (2,871) $ 2.99. Direct sow as soon as the soil can be worked until last frost date. This violet-podded snap pea is more than just a looker. You will leanrt about best practices for ensure your pea plants are healthy and grow big. Bred by Oregon farmer Dr. Alan Kapuler, this violet-podded snap pea is both a a stunner and super performer. A great sugar snap pea bred by Alan Kapular PhD. The vines are pretty and productive and the flowers attractive but the peas themselves were very fibrous at all stages and not very sweet. The peas dont cleanly snap off their stem like they do on other peas and are a bit stringy at the top. Check with your local Cooperative Extension Service for pest controls recommended for your area. Use within 9 months for best quality. Magnolia Sugar Snap Pea Seeds - 14 Grams Seeds Of Change 8268 Certified Organic Dwarf Grey Seeds Pea, Green Chinese Sugar Snap Pea - 50+ Seeds 20 Seeds per Package,Green peas are one of The Most Nutritious leguminous Vegetables, Rich in Health benefiting Phyto … 3) Snap peas can be planted close together – just 2 inches apart. Days to maturity are calculated from the date of direct seeding. A showstopper with deep-purple pods and contrasting bright-green interiors. Gorgeous pink and purple flowers with lots of tendrils on the vine. Make sure that this climbing variety has a trellis, as its sturdy vines reach to be 6-7 feet tall. Green Globe Improved Artichoke (Heirloom, 85 Days), Tendergreen Improved Bush Bean (Heirloom, 53 Days), Kentucky Wonder Pole Bean (Heirloom 66 Days), Henderson Bush Lima Bean (Heirloom 68 Days), Speckled Calico Pole Lima (Heirloom 80 Days), King of the Garden Pole Lima Bean (Heirloom 85 Days), Vermont Cranberry Bush Dried Bean (Heirloom 85 days). Opal Creek was just so so but grew and produced very well. Planting in cooler soil results in slower germination. At 3-4 inches the pods are deliciously sweet, flavorful and most tender prior to plumping out fully. Days To Maturity 70 days. A favorite for flavor and productivity. The average size of the fruit produced by this product. Try it you'll like it! Bred by Oregon farmer Dr. Alan Kapuler, this violet-podded snap pea is both a a stunner and super performer. Plant database entry for Sugar Snap Pea (Pisum sativum var. Because peas are members of the legume family of plants, they can benefit from an application of a soil inoculant designed for beans and peas, prior to planting. © 2021 W. Atlee Burpee & Co. All Rights Reserved. 7+ feet tall by the end of May. An absolutely spectacular addition to salads or veggie plates, the emerald green interior contrasts … Type: Snap pea. This is a purple podded sugar snap type pea. Sugar Magnolia- 75 days- another of Dr. Kapular’s introductions. Family: Fabaceae. Sugar Magnolia snap pea zeedman Zone 5 Wisconsin 6 years ago A purple podded snap pea, trying these for the first time this year. Sugar Magnolia Tendril Pea. This tower grows more beans and peas in a smaller area. This is a purple podded sugar snap type pea. At 3-4 inches the pods are deliciously sweet, flavorful and most tender prior to plumping out fully. The inoculant will enable the plants to take nitrogen from the air to use as fertilizer, which can increase crop yield and quality. Tips- Adding inoculant with rhizobium bacteria will increase yields. Seedlings emerge in 7-14 days, possibly longer in cooler soils. Attributes: Long Vines. Blanch peas for two minutes in boiling water, drain, and then plunge into ice cold water for another two minutes. First, we liked this variety because of the striking colors; pretty pink bi-colored flowers grow into vibrant pods and the showy hyper tendrils (vines have leaves replaced by more tendrils) make for easy climbing and are edible when they are young. Growing sugar snap peas is a breeze when you direct sow seeds in your garden at the right time of. Support shorter peas on small stakes or a pea fence. Your browser is currently set to block cookies. Pick snow peas before the peas start to enlarge. The average number of days from when the plant is actively growing in the garden to the expected time of harvest. Sugar Magnolia Blooms. Cold hardy. The new tendriled variety ‘Sugar Magnolia’ produces a wild mess of green tendrils on 8-foot vines in addition to bearing good-tasting purple snap peas after 70 days. Days to Maturity 70 days: Planting Depth 1 inch: Spacing in Row 3 inches: Spacing Between Rows 18 inches: Height at Maturity 84 inches: Peas are fun, fast, and can be sown at the first sign of spring. How to Grow Sugar Magnolia Snap Pea. Keep the succulent pods picked (they are delicious right off the vine) and the vines will keep producing pods over a long harvest season. They are also great to eat! Right-Sugar Ann is a strong and earlier producer. At 3-4 inches the pods are deliciously sweet, flavorful and most tender prior to plumping out fully. His varieties, like the twisting, outstretched hyper-tendrils of this purple Cold hardy. Sow two months before last frost date for smaller fall harvests. ºF. An innovative hypertendril snap pea bred by Dr. Alan Kapular. Harvest- Pick every day for continuous harvest. While the green Sugar Snap variety starts producing first, Sugar Magnolia is close behind. The plants keep producing deliciously sweet snap peas for weeks. Sugar Magnolia- 75 days- another of Dr. Kapular’s introductions. ‘Feisty is another vigorous tendril pea that has monstrous vines that can reach 30-feet in length. Sun Pick them before they grow large to enjoy them at their best, they peas also very tasty when immature. At 3-4 inches the pods are deliciously sweet, flavorful and most tender prior to plumping out fully. The Sugar Magnolia Pea is a beautiful deep purple colored sugar snap pea that is the result of over 15 years of development! Cover with 1 inch of fine soil, and sow 1 inch deep. This spectacular beauty has a very sweet flavor and is best before the pods get too fat. 5-6' vining plants will need trellising. Planted in April in pnw. plants get 6-7 feet tall. If harvest exceeds immediate fresh use, you can freeze peas immediately after harvest to retain rich flavor. Trellis for best yields and healthiest plants. Keep plants well watered during dry periods to promote rapid, uninterrupted growth. Set supports for vining varieties prior to planting. Best Features: 1) Sugar Magnolia is very tasty which is important! Full sun means 6 hours of direct sun per day; partial sun means 2-4 hours of direct sun per day; shade means little or no direct sun. Flavor … Sugar Magnolia Snap Pea (70 Days) These deep purple, edible pods have changed the world of sugar snap peas! Sugar Ann and Sugar Magnolia Snap Tendril Snap Peas Our Sugar Ann is producing like crazy, though the taller Sugar Magnolia Tendril is just now setting its purple pods. Flavor peaks just before the pod's string turns red. This is a fun pea variant to try. I'm not certain it's been bred to true or maybe there were a couple of rogue seeds as several plants were putting out peas that were green and appeared to be snow peas in nature. Keep weeds under control during the growing season. purple-pod snap pea ‘sugar magnolia’ I BOUGHT A PACKET of ‘Sugar Magnolia’ from Oregon-based Peace Seedlings a few months back, just one of what the company calls it many “woddities” (as in wonderful oddities). Wonderful in salads or as a garnish, and they taste just like peas! Out of the 12 plants I have two are producing green pods instead. The pods are sweetest when … Remember to pick the pods on … SNAP PEA 'Sugar Magnolia' 15 seeds This variety produces beautiful purple pods suitable for eating straight from the garden as a snap pea or shelling pea if left to mature. This spectacular beauty has a very sweet flavor and is best before the pods get too fat. Sugar Magnolia Purple Snap Pea. Sowing Outdoors- Early spring until last frost date when soil temperature reaches 50-75ºF. plants get 6-7 feet tall. This year, as an ornamental, I grew only two, and one was green. A purple-podded snap pea called ‘Sugar Magnolia’ will definitely be in the mix (who could resist that color?) First, we liked this variety because of the striking colors; pretty pink bi-colored flowers grow into vibrant pods and the showy hyper tendrils (vines have leaves replaced by more tendrils) make for easy climbing and are edible when they are young. Share it with your friends so they can enjoy it too! The amount of sunlight this product needs daily in order to perform well in the garden. 'Sugar Magnolia' is a cross between 'Parsley Bush' pea and 'Purple Podded' vining pea. How to Grow Sugar Magnolia Snap Pea. These pretty flowers are soon followed by an abundance of well filled, crunchy-sweet, plump pods. We love the dusty purple-blue pods that really pop in a sea of green foliage. Both of these peas have sweet, succulent pods that are delicious fresh or cooked. Sow 1-2" apart. Plant Dimensions: 6'–7' vines. Sugar snap peas are quickly fried with green onion and garlic, and tossed with fresh mint leaves. 70 days. Pea Sugar Magnolia Deliciously sweet and flavoursome snap pea at its most tender just prior to filling the pod. The typical height of this product at maturity. Left-Sugar Magnolia Tendril is setting purple pods. 2) The blooms and the pods are purple. Pole beans and peas grow best on supports. Some flowers and vegetables fall into subcategories that may define how they grow (such as pole or bush), what they are used for (such as slicing tomatoes or shelling peas), flower type, or other designations that will help you select the type of a class of plant that you are looking for. This brilliant, beautiful new tendril Snap Pea features bicolored pink and purple-red flowers and deep bluish-purple pods that add an extra dash of flair to both the veggie garden and crudité platters. Good sweet flavor (but still best to eat before the pods get too fat). The amount of sunlight this product needs daily in order to perform well in the garden. The taste is good as a snap pea if you pick young. Bred by Dr. Alan Kapuler and named after a … Fruit Size You can pick snap and snow peas at any time but they are tastiest when the pods still have some play around the peas when you squeeze the pods. The Sugar Magnolia Pea is a beautiful deep purple colored sugar snap pea that is the result of over 15 years of development! Please turn it on so that you can experience the full capabilities of this site. Wonderful use for spring garden vegetables. abundant shoots and tendrils, which are also edible, these snappy purple pods are everything you need for a salad or sauté. Plants keep producing deliciously sweet “sugar snaps” for weeks on end. This spectacular beauty has a very sweet flavor and is best before the pods get too fat. They also are the tallest of all the plants. For the best flavor, pick the pods before their strings turn red. Magnolia Blossom Sugar Snap Pea is a very ornamental plant, and will add color to a trellis or fence in the garden or edible landscape. I had some leftover seeds of another variety, Sugar Snap, from the previous season so I planted those, too, and was able to compare them. Sow 1-2" apart. Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 50-75ºF. Hardiness: Frost-tolerant annual. Snap Pea seeds- Sugar Magnolia [Pisum sativum] Sweet and crunchy peas are bright purple making for easy harvesting! Thin gradually to stand 4-6 inches apart starting when seedlings are about 1-2 inches high. The purple veining is the giveaway. These are, however, gorgeous!, so I love them aesthetically and will continue to grow a few in my patch, but there's also no guarantee they will be purple, or have climbers. How much does a packet plant: 12-15 foot single row. macrocarpon 'Sugar Magnolia') with 8 images and 13 data details. Spread Frequent and steady harvests of the plump, deep purple pods will help plants to continue to produce. Use fresh in salads, steamed, or sautéed for a delectable visual masterpiece. Sow in average soil in full sun in early spring for first crop, in late summer for fall crop. Your colorful pea plant looks to be a sugar magnolia, BTW. The peas were ready to harvest much earlier and delivered a higher yield than the regular ‘Sugar Snap.’ Plus, all the pods were the fat crunchy ones we have come to love. We love the dusty purple-blue pods that really pop in a sea of green foliage. The first purple-podded snap pea to be introduced is the result of 15 years of breeding by Dr. Alan Kapuler, father to one of the Peace Seedlings proprietors. as will the unusual big snow pea called ‘Schweizer Riesen.’ More on both of them—and my overall succession-sowing plan to keep the vegetable garden going … Photo: Sugar Magnolia Peas. To determine when to pick shell peas, check the pods by eye and feel. 70 days. Magnolia Blossom Tendril Pea is a variety that I ordered through Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company to try this past spring and I was very happy with its performance. Learn all about growing fresh garden peas – including the three types of peas. Varieties with vine lengths over 3 feet require support. Type The plants keep producing deliciously sweet snap peas for weeks. This highly productive, 5-8 foot tall vining snap pea has eye-catching bicolored purple blossoms that really shine in the garden. Sowing time - Autumn to Spring (avoid winter planting if you live in a cold fr Maybe a bit of hybrid vigor? Remember to pick the pods on … Drain again and loosely pack the peas into plastic freezer bags or containers. Protect spring plantings with floating row covers to keep flea beetles away. A showstopper with deep-purple pods and contrasting bright-green interiors. Make sure that this climbing variety has a trellis, as its sturdy vines reach to be 6-7 feet tall. Enjoy sweet success with this flavor-filled snap pea! Pisum sativum Sugar Magnolia Purple Snap Vine Pea 25/5.00 Vigorous vines with purple flowers and purple 3-4” snap pods of fine flavor. A marvelous innovation in sugar snap pea breeding from Dr. Alan Kapuler, the first ever purple podded sugar snap pea! SUGAR MAGNOLIA 70 days. Like other snap peas, Magnolia Blossom performs well in cooler weather and can be … If the pea pod is round, has a nice sheen, and is bright green, it is ready. Some flowers and vegetables fall into subcategories that may define how they grow (such as pole or bush), what they are used for (such as slicing tomatoes or shelling peas), flower type, or other designations that will help you select the type of a class of plant that you are looking for. Direct sow as soon as the soil can be worked until last frost date. Native: Western Asia, Europe, and North Africa. Peas thrive in cool weather, so do not delay planting them. Shelling Peas … Sow two months before last frost date for smaller fall harvests. These pretty flowers are soon followed by an abundance of well filled, crunchy-sweet, plump pods. I love these this is the Weeds compete with plants for water, space and nutrients, so control them by either cultivating often or use a mulch to prevent their seeds from germinating. Peas thrive in cool weather, so do not delay planting them. The average size of the fruit produced by this product. Magnolia Blossom This highly productive, 5-8 foot tall vining snap pea has eye-catching bicolored purple blossoms that really shine in the garden. This violet-podded snap pea is more than just a looker. A marvelous innovation in sugar snap pea breeding from Dr. Alan Kapuler, the first ever purple podded sugar snap pea! The average number of days from when the plant is actively growing in the garden to the expected time of harvest. For optimum flavor, grow in cool weather. Sturdy 6 … Grows over 6-7 feet. Flowers and pods are quite beautiful though. Some have a mess of tiny leaves instead of tendrils inhibiting their ability to climb, and about 20% were green snap peas (a bit disappointing, but more tender and sweeter than the purple). This year’s seed stock has a mixture of tendril types: regular, hypertendril and vetch (no tendrils). Trellis for best yields and healthiest plants. A favorite for flavor and productivity. Your input is very much appreciated. 5-6' vining plants will need trellising. Special offers, discounts, and new products. This tower grows more beans and peas in a smaller area. The tendrils make for a more open habit, allowing better air flow and reducing diseases. ‘Sugar Magnolia’ produces deliciously sweet snap peas for weeks on end, from violet and dark-purple bicolored flowers borne on vigorous 6–7' vines. The beautiful violet pods have an attractive emerald green centre and will produce beautiful bicoloured purple blooms. Monitor for pests and diseases. Hypertendril plants make enlarged tendrils in place of some leaves. I picked these because I always have a hard time finding all the peas on the vine. You will find 7 mega tips on growing sugar snap peas or any other types of peas. These grew vigorously and produced plentifully, but the flavor was not great, and they aren't that tender, getting tough and losing flavor quite quickly unless picked about 2-3 days prior to when I'd normally harvest snap peas. Variety Information: 3"–4" purple pods. Bred by Dr. Alan Kapuler and named after a … These deep purple, edible pods have changed the world of sugar snap peas! Taller peas can be supported with a tower or trellis netting. Flavor is best right before pods are fully filled out. Snap Pea seeds- Sugar Magnolia [Pisum sativum] Sweet and crunchy peas are bright purple making for easy harvesting! Sow 2 inches apart in double rows spaced 6 inches apart with 24 inches between each set of rows. Vigorous 5–8' vines produce bicolor flowers and the same, edible tendrils as ‘Sugar Magnolia’ and ‘Spring Blush’ for easy trellising. Distinctive tendrils fasten easily to any trellis. When I grew these, they were easy to find, good producers, and tasted delicious! They do not perform well in overly wet conditions. If the seeds have made ridges on the pod and the pods are dull green, it is past prime. Vigorous 5-8’ vines produce bi-color flowers and possess the same hyper-tendrils as Sugar Magnolia and Spring Blush. It was a banner spring for peas here in northern Utah but these simply could not make the cut. Vigorous 5-8’ vines produce bi-color flowers and possess the same hyper-tendrils as Sugar Magnolia and Spring Blush. You can enter discount codes and calculate shipping on the checkout page, Notify me when this product is available: Add me to the store mailing list. This site uses cookies to enable shopping cart usage, provide you with relevant product and promotions, and measure performance. A great sugar snap pea bred by Alan Kapular PhD. The year round source for the home gardener since 1979! I prefer sugar snap peas but may try growing shelling peas as my 15 month old twin boys prefer just the pea, not the pod. This spectacularly beautiful purple snap pea is the result of over 15 years of work by Dr. Alan Kapuler in Corvallis, Oregon. SNAP PEA 'Sugar Magnolia' 15 seeds This variety produces beautiful purple pods suitable for eating straight from the garden as a snap pea or shelling pea if left to mature. The typical height of this product at maturity. Flavor peaks just before the pod's string turns red. Your browser's Javascript functionality is turned off. Full sun means 6 hours of direct sun per day; partial sun means 2-4 hours of direct sun per day; shade means little or no direct sun. Avoid disturbing the soil around the plants when weeding. Height The unique tendrils also enable the plant to scramble up virtually anything and can stretch up to 6-7’tall. Peas can also be dried in a dehydrator and stored in a sealed canister for use in soups and stews. An excellent addition to salads and for steaming, the immature peas are also nice and sweet. Description Over 15 years of work by Oregon USA based plant breeder, Dr. Alan Kapuler, has resulted in Pea 'Purple Magnolia’ - the first purple-podded sugar snap pea. As for the extra tendrils, I think the get woody too quickly to really enjoy in salads. Days to Maturity 70 days: Planting Depth 1 inch: Spacing in Row 3 inches: Spacing Between Rows 18 inches: Height at Maturity 84 inches: Peas are fun, fast, and can be sown at the first sign of spring. These vigorous vines can reach up to 8 … I grew wonderful Sugar Ann, Green Arrow, Oregon Giant Sugar and Super Sugar. Serve hot or at room temperature. 4) Sugar Magnolia will reach up 7 feet tall. I wouldn't recommend this as a shelling pea if only because it will turn your fingers purple when you strip out the peas! The width of the plant at maturity. Oregon farmer and free thinker Alan Kapuler, aka Mushroom, has been growing, saving, and breeding new open-pollinated plants through Peace Seeds for decades. Innovative hypertendril snap pea wet conditions and tossed with fresh mint leaves purple podded sugar peas... And most tender just prior to plumping out fully and measure performance habit, allowing better air flow and diseases... Hypertendril snap pea seeds- sugar Magnolia and spring Blush succulent pods that are delicious fresh or cooked were! Peas … enjoy sweet success with this flavor-filled snap pea breeding from Alan! 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